Treatment For Pain and Anxiety

Posted by: Spiritwalker

Treatment For Pain and Anxiety - 12/05/06 02:10 AM

I’ve been using a technique called Thought Field Therapy to treat aches and pains in myself and others for a little more than a year now. In spite of the internet debunkers, I’ve found it to be remarkably effective in relieving pain from toothaches, sprains, bruises and burns, as well as anxiety attacks and emotional trauma in several people.

The techniques are from Tapping The Healer Within available at the link or for a reasonable price or free at your local library.

The techniques are simple, easy to learn, quick to implement and very effective. What better treatment can you have for long term survival emergencies than something you can carry in your head? Save weight and space at the same time.

Anyone else tried this?
Posted by: redflare

Re: Treatment For Pain and Anxiety - 12/05/06 03:18 AM

Is this something like biofeedback?
Posted by: Spiritwalker

Re: Treatment For Pain and Anxiety - 12/05/06 05:11 AM

No, more akin to accupressure but simpler, quicker and more effective.
Posted by: paramedicpete

Re: Treatment For Pain and Anxiety - 12/05/06 03:11 PM

I am, in general, a skeptic by nature. I have been I the scientific field for over 30 years and in EMS for over 25 years, so I tend to look to contemporary medicine as the way to go for treatment of most things.

However, during one of my Ecuador trips, I had pulled a muscle in my lower back from lugging around too much gear and OTCs were not even touching the pain. One of our hosts/travel companions was an American in his upper 80s who had been living in South America for over 30 years. Living in some fairly remote locations, he had taken to use non-Western/Modern forms of wellness and healing. Most of his knowledge came from a book I believe was entitled: “The Secrets of the Fountain of Youth” or something close to that title. He knew I was in pain and asked if I minded if he could try one of the techniques he learned from the book on my back. I figured it could not hurt, as nothing else was working. Well, he rubbed/massaged several areas of my back (most likely acupressure points), said some prayers and within minutes, my back was completely pain free for the rest of the trip and then some. I do not know if it was the power of suggestion/prayer, the technique itself or a combination thereof, but it worked and would have never have believed it, had it not been performed on me.
