electric razor vs plain razor advantage?

Posted by: picard120

electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 07:13 PM

is there advantage of using electric razor compare to the plain razor?

plain razor requires shaving cream which is a prohibit item for transport by plane. I am wondering if it is necessary to switch over to electric razor.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 07:44 PM

Somewhere I heard that extended use of electric razors increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

I only shave twice a week (injun blood keeps down the facial hair growth), so using a plain razor is no big chore. 10 strokes and I am done.

If I had my druthers, I'd like to learn to straight razor shave. I just haven't worked up the gumption quite yet for that.
Posted by: Russ

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 08:03 PM

I'm not aware of any "injun blood", but I only shave 2 or 3 times a week too. I don't have any love for electric razors, still using my 20 year old Trac 2.
Posted by: picard120

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 08:42 PM

what the heck is "injun blood? I have to shave everyday since I can't tolerate any whiskers. I don't want to look like a hoodlum that has 5 O'clock shadow.
Posted by: Halcon

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 09:05 PM

what's wrong with being a hoodlum?
Posted by: Equipped4Chicago

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 09:07 PM

I shaved with Razors (names Shick Tracer and those highly advertised gadgets).

Went to Electric Shaver. Ahh..convenient. However, after 7 years, my ears are messed up. And sadly, I'll have to say its because of the electric razor. They are so sensitive now that when I use it just to trim the hairline (near my neck), I feel I'm going to go crazy from the sound of the electric razor.

Since I hated shaving, I have learned to love it. I now shave with 92cent shaving soap from Walgreens, and a double edge razor. First couple times, I nicked myself. Now, I enjoy it. And i through on some aftershave. I shave every other day and sometimes daily.
Posted by: Stretch

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 09:42 PM

You can't buy the injun blood anymore. Just shave or look like a hoodlum. I'm with Halcon.....what's wrong with that?
Posted by: Russ

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 09:57 PM

One more excuse for me to not shave smile cool
Posted by: picard120

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 11:04 PM

Originally Posted By: RAS
One more excuse for me to not shave smile cool

well, I wouldn't be able to get a date with any ladies if I look like a hoodlum. grin
Posted by: bsmith

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/21/07 11:12 PM

Originally Posted By: picard120
Originally Posted By: RAS
One more excuse for me to not shave smile cool

well, I wouldn't be able to get a date with any ladies if I look like a hoodlum. grin

you might be surprised. an air of mystery and edginess.

Posted by: Hookpunch

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 01:26 AM

I have never tried an electric razor, in fact I am thinking of going in the complete opposite direction and try a straight razor.
Posted by: picard120

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 01:45 AM

Originally Posted By: Hookpunch
I have never tried an electric razor, in fact I am thinking of going in the complete opposite direction and try a straight razor.

straight razor is dangerous. you can catch tetanus from using it.
Posted by: xbanker

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 02:40 AM

Originally Posted By: picard120
Plain razor requires shaving cream which is a prohibit item for transport by plane. I am wondering if it is necessary to switch over to electric razor.

Have you considered — or tried — shaving oil?

Discovered it about a year ago, and it's what I carry exclusively in my shaving kit when I travel rather than bulky shaving cream aerosol. Amazingly effective, at least for me (have a medium-heavy beard and average skin sensitivity). Comes in small 1/2-oz. plastic bottle. Claim is up to 100 shaves per bottle (each use only 5-6 drops plus water). I haven't kept count, but not far off.

Got my last bottle at WalMart.

Posted by: dougwalkabout

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 02:42 AM

However, if you shave, especially with a straight razor, you might catch interesting girls as well. Risk vs. Benefit?

(Kidding, I'm kidding. :-)

My guess is, any razor can nick the skin, and (in theory) open the door to microorganisms.

As I understand it, any outdoorsperson/gardener/survivor should be up to date with tetanus shots.

(I'm not getting on a soapbox; I just realized that I'm overdue. Got to get that dealt with SAP.)

EDIT: Just thought I'd add that, while camping, I once used Polysporin ointment to shave (using a safety razor). Smooth as silk. And fortuitous, perhaps, in zapping microscopic creatures.
Posted by: Stretch

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 04:37 AM

Speaking of tetanus.......

I just got another Tetanus shot the other day.....they told me this:

Tetanus is caused by some micro-organisms or bacteria which lives in soil... (most cases are caused by cuts by garden tools or while gardening)

There is no cure for Tetanus....none.....

Once you get it, the best any doctor can do is help you breathe until you breathe no more....

All straight razors have Tetanus...(just kidding. They didn;t tell me this, I already knew it)
Posted by: bsmith

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 01:08 PM

the bacteria that causes tetanus - clostridium tetani - is an anaerobic (can't survive in the air) organism. it lives in dirt.

its spores can survive for long periods in air.

i'm not clear under what circumstances one would find the bacterium / spores on a razor. unless it wasn't cleaned before use.

where's the science?

Posted by: Hookpunch

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 03:53 PM

Thanks, I'll put that idea aside....BTW why doesn't a safety razor have the same problem?
Posted by: picard120

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 04:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Hookpunch

Thanks, I'll put that idea aside....BTW why doesn't a safety razor have the same problem?

I think that safety razor is washable due to its compact size. The full size single blade razor need to be dunk in antiseptic fluid. This fluid is the same blue liquid used by the traditional barber.

The full size razor blade tend to get rust quickly if its blade isn't well maintained. All barbers use this antiseptic fluid to clean the blade and prevent it from rust. The blade will rust if it is left exposed to the air for long period.
Posted by: UTAlumnus

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 08:12 PM

Indians (US not near east) don't have much if any facial hair.
Posted by: samhain

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/22/07 08:21 PM

I found washing with Noxema before shaving gives a smoother shave.

Although it can get me in trouble with DW if I use up all her Noxema.

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/23/07 01:09 AM

I started off with an old Gilette double edged "saftey razor," went to a straight razor, my grand dads (big mistake), Schick injector, Remington elecrtic, Gilette Track II, then finally to a Norelco triple header. I have a super tought beard, with the Track II I only got ONE shave per blade, so it put me in the poor house. I tried everything on the market as a soap/lather, best I ever had was a produce called "Baby Face," had baby oil in it. I just got hooked on it, and for some reason they yanked it off the market. Been using the Norelcos for about six years now, and I am more than happy. I use Mennen Pre and after shave, make for a close and quick shave. No hot water, no drips, just apply pre shave, buzz the whiskers off, a dab of after shave, and I am good to go. I have never done it while driving, as some idiots do, but have while my wife drives. Try that with a blade...
Posted by: picard120

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/23/07 02:19 AM

Originally Posted By: bsmith

the bacteria that causes tetanus - clostridium tetani - is an anaerobic (can't survive in the air) organism. it lives in dirt.

its spores can survive for long periods in air.

i'm not clear under what circumstances one would find the bacterium / spores on a razor. unless it wasn't cleaned before use.

where's the science?

oh yeah. I forgot that the tetanus bacterium is anaerobic. blush
Posted by: benjammin

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/23/07 03:38 PM

Injun blood is what keeps the braves from needing to shave, and what keeps the squaws growing mustaches and sideburns.
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: electric razor vs plain razor advantage? - 09/24/07 02:33 AM

"...a few passes..."

Only a few? Tough as my beard is, I have to swoop all over the place numerous times. Still beats scraping in three different directions with a blade...