Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emergency

Posted by: JCWohlschlag

Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emergency - 09/17/07 03:03 PM

Knights in shining armour are great for princesses in peril, but in an emergency a new survey shows most of us would rather have MacGyver come to our rescue.

Obviously the survey didn’t include Doug Ritter, Les Stroud, etc.… but I guess it was limited to fictional heroes. In that case, MacGyver’s a good choice, even if not just for his humor. (Anyone ever seen Richard Dean Anderson behind the scenes? He’s a total crackpot!)
Posted by: billym

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/17/07 04:41 PM

What fools! Are you kidding me? I would take Lara Croft any day!

edited to correct name.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/17/07 06:05 PM

That's "Lara" Croft, or Lady Croft to the commoners, and unless you look like the latest reincarnation of James Bond, you don't stand much chance of getting any aid from her.

I am at a loss to think of anyone as qualified as MacGyver for field expedience.
Posted by: Susan

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/17/07 06:50 PM

There was a joke way back in the '60s:

A young, recently-married couple were having breakfast when the radio DJ put out a poll: "If you could choose one person to be stranded on an island with, who would it be?"

The young wife dialed the phone, said "John Wayne" and hung up.

Her husband frowned and asked, "Wouldn't you pick me?"

She said, "Could you fight off savages and wild animals, build me a hut and find food?"

He thought about it for a minute, then dialed the radion station and said, "John Wayne".
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/17/07 07:35 PM

Uh, what?

Must be that 60s humor. My first choice for who I'd want to be stranded on an island with certainly wouldn't be John Wayne. Obviously the husband was still in the closet back then.

Hmm, my first choice for an island stranding? Susan of course!

Now don't get any crazy ideas here, my wife's name is also Susan...
Posted by: mgjscdhl

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/17/07 08:10 PM

That's "Lara" Croft, or Lady Croft to the commoners, and unless you look like the latest reincarnation of James Bond, you don't stand much chance of getting any aid from her.

one can dream, can't he? lol
Posted by: Leigh_Ratcliffe

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/18/07 06:37 PM

Laura Croft would love me.

I once had four Southern Belles from Georgia arguing over who got me first.....

Brit Accent.

Works every time. grin
Posted by: Polak187

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/18/07 06:44 PM

Originally Posted By: benjammin

I am at a loss to think of anyone as qualified as MacGyver for field expedience.

Why not? He was on TV so it must be true smile
Posted by: JCWohlschlag

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/18/07 06:47 PM

Originally Posted By: benjammin
I am at a loss to think of anyone as qualified as MacGyver for field expedience.

On thinking further, it would depend on the situation. If it was a normal “stuck in the wilderness” disaster, MacGyver is perfect. If it’s a SHTF situation, I think the A-Team would be better!
Posted by: Susan

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/19/07 01:18 AM

So Inspector Clouseau is out?

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/19/07 02:28 AM

"...I think the A-Team would be better!..."

Yeah, you could hock all of the gold around Mr T's neck to buy "stuff"...
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/19/07 02:41 AM

I did the archaeologic assessment for Wood Ranch, a once pristine California oak woodland below the present Reagan Library in Simi Valley.It's a planned community now with security guards who give me suspicous looks. The Chumash medicine man Kote Lota showed up, looking like a cast extra from a Mad Max movie. And when Old Kote was done psyching out the new anthro majors with his Don Juan shtick he asked where the bathroom was? And I said "Bathroom? Why Kote, this is the real world. I thought you guys know how to do the do?" And Kote gives me a look of pained supplication and quietly begged for a roll of TP. I produced this stuff my polish catholic partner Bob brought back from Warsaw; coarse and scratchy with the flexibility of corderoy. I told Kote it was John Wayne TP. " Whats John Wayne TP?" I replied " It's rough ,it's tough and it taks no $@#* off of no injun." Hereditary Chief Charlie ' Tq' shlow ' Cook defused the situation by reminding Kote I was an acknowledged Choctaw Alikshe. John Wayne is a good choice, but I vote Gilligan. Anyone notice how much stuff they kept coming up with from the Minnow, episode after episode?
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emerg - 09/19/07 12:20 PM

Chocktaw Alikshe must translate to "Wise Ass tribal comedian". laugh

I'd only take Gilligan if the Professor came with him. How many folks here know how to get enough electicity to run a transistor radio out of a pair of coconuts?

Oh yeah, better bring along Mary Anne too...
Posted by: kd7fqd

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emergency - 09/19/07 12:55 PM

I don't know about you guys but, for me I'll take nearly anyone on this forum as "BOB" (Bug Out Buddy) over MacGyver any day, shoot I'd even take Red Green (where's the duct tape) LOL


Posted by: Shadow_oo00

Re: Poll Shows that MacGyver is Best Ally in Emergency - 09/19/07 04:57 PM

I'm going to go with Gilligan, look how long he lasted on that island,Actually I would rather have Marry Anne.