Good Movie; Rescue Dawn

Posted by: billym

Good Movie; Rescue Dawn - 09/10/07 10:14 PM

I am stuck in hotels out on the road for work.
Last night I watched Rescue Dawn starring Christian Bale.
It is a true story about a Vietman era Navy pilot who is shot down and caught in Laos. There are quite a few survival tidbits in it including two scenes showing a fire saw being used to start a fire; and pretty accurately too.
I recommend this film if you like E&E genre movies.
Posted by: DrmstrSpoodle

Re: Good Movie; Rescue Dawn - 09/10/07 10:40 PM

I've been really wanting to see this one but it seems like it only got limited release, and it wasn't in any theaters in my area. I'm hoping to get it when it comes out on DVD. Seems to be something that's right up my alley.
Posted by: Shadow_oo00

Re: Good Movie; Rescue Dawn - 09/11/07 01:28 AM

I haven't even seen it advertised around here, sounds interesting, I'll keep looking for it .

Shadow out !!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Good Movie; Rescue Dawn - 09/11/07 01:44 AM

Caution: Spoiler alert on the below pages.

Wikipedia has a decent page on this movie here.

No DVD as of yet for sale on however there are few more reviews.
Posted by: billym

Re: Good Movie; Rescue Dawn - 09/11/07 08:53 PM

Just a note; after following the Wiki link it turns out the movie has a lot of inaccuracies and portrays only the main character as the hero.
It is still a good movie but after seeing it please visit;

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