
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Weekends... - 07/29/07 02:01 PM

I have noticed that on weekends the number of posts drops to just a fraction of what is posted during the normal work week. Does that mean that everyone is out playing Sat and Sun, or does it mean that most of you do your ETS stuff while at work? If that is the case, does your boss know about it, or do you have to play on the sly? And if that is the case, does it make you feel a little guilty, playing on company time, and on the company computer? What would happen if the boss caught you? I am really curious, where I worked there was very limited internet access for anyone, and you could not install ANYTHING on the company computers you had access to. Not sure what they are doing now, with wifi, personal computers, etc...
Posted by: JIM

Re: Weekends... - 07/29/07 02:21 PM

I try to look at ETS every morning, but there is is a time difference between US and holland...
Posted by: Stretch

Re: Weekends... - 07/29/07 02:55 PM

I've noticed the same thing (slowdown on weekends), but to answer your question:

All my postings are done from home because, like in your old job, personal use of the computer is, for the most part, prohibited.
Posted by: Comanche7

Re: Weekends... - 07/29/07 05:00 PM


Nope, don't access personal sites from work, despite having extremely good internet access. My postings are normally evenings and/or weekends, unless I'm off work that weekday.

Despite infrequent postings, I sit and read the latest on ETS when I have a moment to myself.

Posted by: wildman800

Weekends and at work - 07/29/07 05:05 PM

When at home, I try to check the ETS BB at least once a day, usually in the evenings.

When at work, I pass the watch, while on standby, by getting my laptop online (via air card), and looking at the ETS and other news sights.

I try not to post whatever idle thought crosses my mind but those subjects and ideas that I believe will be worth the time of those ETS members who read it. There are many postings that I will read but not comment on because of what has already been posted or because I think I would be wasting ETS space and member's time to read it. I try to keep my comments worthy or I don't post anything.
Posted by: frenchy

Re: Weekends... - 07/29/07 08:15 PM

Mostly (90%) connection to ETS Forum is from home.
Occasionnaly, it's from work : ie, when installing a system at night, or during week-end, it takes a looong time to initialise the disks and to install the OS... then, if an Internet connection is available, I come visit the forum.
Posted by: rescueguru

Re: Weekends... - 07/29/07 11:26 PM

I attempt to read the ETS forums daily, whether at home or work. Due to my schedule and position, I'm afforded unlimited internet access at work. Additionally, I pass along a lot of the information gleaned from this site to colleagues and local first responders. Lots of good information here. smile
Posted by: gizmojumpjet

Re: Weekends... - 07/29/07 11:36 PM

I don't post here very often but I do read this and many other forums from work all the time. My work has filters that block access to certain sites that they don't want people visiting, and I figure anything else is fair game as long as I get my work done.

I don't feel guilty about browsing the web from work because I'm very good at what I do, I get it done on time, and I don't let browsing the web interfere with it.
Posted by: MartinFocazio

Re: Weekends... - 07/30/07 01:31 PM

Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
..... Sat and Sun, or does it mean that most of you do your ETS stuff while at work? If that is the case, does your boss know about it, or do you have to play on the sly?....

In my house, we all have our own laptops, including my 8 year old son. We have a wireless network and we're HEAVY internet users (We haven't have a television for close to 10 years, so we get all our entertainment through the computers), and as a result, we feel a need to SHUT THE DARN THINGS OFF on the weekends. We have a simple rule - Sundown Friday to Sundown Sunday, no computer screens EXCEPT for the "home base" system, which is a computer that serves as our stereo/DVD player/family calendar server/photo album viewer. But our personal computers generally stay OFF on the weekend.

At work, we're actively encouraged to "take a break" to use other sites, and even to take on small freelance "side jobs" now and then to keep our minds sharp and flexible. At this moment, I'm at the office, it's 9:24 AM, and I've been working since 6:50 AM, so it's a natural breakpoint.

I wrote an article on this subject a while ago, here it is:


Posted by: Frank2135

Re: Weekends... - 07/30/07 06:19 PM

One of the very few advantages of being a small business owner is that I can take a few minutes every day to look at the forums that interest me. As far my employees are concerned, it's a small shop and we are more like family than anything else; as long as the work gets done and the system doesn't start getting nasty viruses and spyware, I don't monitor their internet usage.

Weekends are for outdoor stuff if at all possible. I check my email from home over the weekend - that's about it.

Posted by: Eugene

Re: Weekends... - 07/30/07 06:48 PM

I check the forums from work, at least some that aren't blocked. I figure I put in enough work hours at home so it evens out (salary).
Weekends in the summer anyway we try to hit the road and go someplace. Been hitting state parks and such.
Posted by: Leigh_Ratcliffe

Re: Weekends... - 07/30/07 08:47 PM

Read it at work, think about it, post when I get home smile

We are censored at work. But its a dammned odd program. Let you look at nekkked women, but not at a knife. Mind you, it's a French company and the system goes via their browser so perhaps its "Ahh, chez chez la femme..."
Posted by: frenchy

Re: Weekends... - 07/31/07 05:11 PM

Knives are evil !
Women are .... women !!!! grin grin
Posted by: samhain

Re: Weekends... - 08/01/07 11:48 PM


Yes but how about women with knives? mmmmmmmm.

That's called advertising.

Posted by: likemclever

Re: Weekends... - 08/02/07 04:46 AM

HEY now! you know there are women who like that kinda stuff.

Their usually not the kind you'll find in advertising (I'll give ya that) I'm not exactly little Ms. Fancy Pants. But were still out there.

Posted by: el_diabl0

Re: Weekends... - 08/06/07 07:05 PM

I'm going to have to exercise my 5th Amendment rights on this one...
Posted by: CJK

Re: Weekends... - 08/07/07 04:47 PM

I do most of my time while at work.....Once I've completed my daily duties....my time is generally my own. We have a computer (high speed for work requirements) that we are permittd to us...so long as it is 'appropriate content'. Just think of it this way...If you would be embarrassed to see your 'computer log' as the front page of the newspaper....you shouldn't be doing it. So there is no problem with doing this at work. And as a medic it is 'kind of' work related. Due to my schedule always rotating....I could be on this either week day or week end.

Not to mention......When I am at home with the family....I'M WITH THE FAMILY!!!!!