Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment

Posted by: benjammin

Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/23/07 06:55 PM

Actually, two weeks worth, or more.

So I am sitting in my office in New York, and my boss broadcasts this email to a bunch of folks that I am heading out to Orlando Florida to help fix some big problems with a project that has lost it's way. Didn't ask me first, just committed me to it.

So now destiny finds me here in Sunny Florida, whiling away in the project office trying to pick up all the pieces from the mess these people made. So it goes.

What did I pack with me? Well, considering the recent posts, I busted open one of my boxes of of my Robert Timms single serving coffee bags and grabbed a handful. I also grabbed a bunch of these zipfizz powdered drink mix thingies I got from Costco that are like B vitamin boosters. The rest is my standard fare, including my super duper butane lighter and my Lord God humongous Swamp Rat knife, just because I can. I found a hotel next to a Gander Mountain Sporting Goods store so tonight I will pick up whatever else I need for the next few weeks. Beyond that, I have a pocket full of plastic, a roll of twenties, and about a week's supply of food and water in reserve at the hotel and the office. I also have my return flight pre-booked. I picked up a Toyota Forerunner so I don't have to stay on the roads here if I don't want/need to.

The only thing missing is my New York Pizza and bagels (sob).

On the other hand, there's a Longhorn BBQ/Steakhouse a block from my hotel room, so it will be prime rib and beer pretty much every night. Yeah, I can handle that I reckon.

I tell you what, the mess they left me here for work is like trying to unravel a ball of yarn that the cat's been playing with for a week. Sure is a mess. I just start at one end and undo the knots as they come. Gonna be a while I think...
Posted by: billym

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/23/07 07:03 PM

Good job making the best of work travel. I do a lot of it myself and the little treats are what keep me sane.

Good idea about the Forerunner as a rental BOV.

There is great fishing in Florida if you have some time.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/23/07 07:10 PM

Pretty near no time. I am working through the weekends to meet their stupid deadline. About all I can do is maybe go see a movie at night or some such.

That's okay, that's what they pay me for.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/23/07 07:44 PM

Hurricane season, keep the tank above 3/4. If you need to bug out you can get gas in GA. That pre-booked flight is only good if the airline is still flying. Gander Mountain. . . cool cool
Posted by: Themalemutekid

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/23/07 07:54 PM

I love me some Gander Mountain...
Posted by: scaatylobo

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/24/07 01:23 PM

I too miss the NY bagels and Pizza,having left the rotten apple 35 years ago.When I do venture there I am a little nervous as it would be a real [censored] to bug out of there.I travel well healed but that wouldnt help if I had to walk home [ western NY ].So I can appreciate you mental condition away form you home.Keep an eye and ear to the news and be the firstirst if the 'manure hits the ventilation system' !.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/24/07 01:41 PM

Thanks, and no real worries yet. It looks like the mid-Atlantic isn't firing up for a bit, though I know that can change in a day.

Gander Mountain was therapeutic. I haven't been in something like that for quite a while, so I spent about 3 hours just wandering around, looking at stuff, asking a few questions and such. It was quite enjoyable.

But now, back to work. Oh well.
Posted by: RayW

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/24/07 06:57 PM

Benjammin, if you can manage to run away for a little while there is a knife store near you going out of business. It's about 15 minutes from lake mary. The store is Knives a Lot, its on 436 just off of 17-92. I'm sure that doesn't help you much so here is the address and phone,

1460 SR 436 Altomonte Springs, FL 32701
Phone 407.261.0551

He will be open tuesday thru saturday, with saturday being the last day of being open for business. He still has some benchmade, chris reeve, and other notable brands in stock. Don't know that the chris reeve knives will go for much of a discount but there are some good prices on the other stuff. Picked up a 550 benchmade griptilian for $50 plus tax. I'm sure that you could manage to make that roll of $20's shrink in size a bit.

And you only managed to spend 3 hours in gander mountain, were you in a hurry?

Still early in the season for a huricane so don't worry too much about it, just watch out for the afternoon thunder storms.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Another "Paint Your Wagon" moment - 06/28/07 01:25 PM

Thanks for the info. I will try and get down there if work allows. I have a number of knife orders in process right now, so it will be a challenge to find another one to drop dime on, but you never know.

Gotta head back to NYC tomorrow, so it will be now or never I suppose. Maybe I can sneak away this afternoon.

It's been crazy insane work here this week.