A Billion Seconds Ago!

Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/23/07 11:54 PM

A Billion Seconds Ago!, -When was it!? Somewhere in 1959. Geesh!, -I'm over a Billion Seconds Old right now! This happens to be an Interesting little Fact I heard today on the Rush Show.

He went on to a Billion Minutes Ago! That was in Christ's Time!

He further went on! To Hours, Days, maybe even a Billion Months ago! I Forget the Particulars and Details there, -but they were Utterly Astonishing!

Such Details are probably Available on the Rush Website Archives. (Registration is probably Neccessary to Access that).(This is No Plug or Promo, -but only additional Incidental Information. Neccessary to any such Purpose).

A Billion Seconds Ago! = 1959! Wow! Let Alone Minutes or Anything Else!
Posted by: hercdoc

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/24/07 01:58 AM

Posted by: Kris

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/24/07 04:37 PM


Just doing some math here, and 1 billion seconds ago (1,000,000,000) takes us back to 1975.

1,000,000,000 seconds =
16,666,666 minutes =
277,777 hours =
11,574 days =
31.7 years

Sorry, don't mean to be rude, but just doing math in my head at work and 1959 just didn't add up.

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/25/07 02:58 AM

Big numbers still give me a headache...
Posted by: Kris

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/25/07 12:21 PM

Numbers don't give me a headache, its the other things in the world that do.
Posted by: norad45

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/25/07 01:19 PM

Somebody probably came up with the idea in 1991, and they've neglected to update it. smile
Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/26/07 12:50 AM

Perhaps you're Right! But I find it Hard to Imagine how Rush could have it So Wrong! (After All, -He Always says!, -that he is Hardly Ever Wrong!)(Smile Emoticon).

I do know from my Longtime Astronomy Interest and Hobby, -that there are 86,400 seconds in a Day. So 10 days would make for 864,000 Seconds. 100 days, 8 Million and 640,000 seconds. This is now the Better Part of a Third of a Year. Three times that, -or 300 Days, -would, -roughly Rounding now, -be some 25 million Seconds. Now so Adding into Account the Additional 65 days of a Year, -I Ruffly Round to some 30 Million Seconds. In a Year. So 10 Years thereabouts would be Roughly some 300 Million Seconds. 30 Years = some 900 Million Seconds. Just a Little More would make for your Billion! 31.7 Years would BE that Little More!

And so!, -YOU are Right! And Rush, -I am Sorry to Say, -is Wrong! As well as whereever he Got that from!
Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/26/07 12:54 AM

Library's almost Closing, -so I may Lose the Above Post in any Editing Attemt. Thus this Quick one. Your 31.7 Years *Does* = 1975.

Also, on Rush's Billion MINUTES Ago calculation, -which he says goes back to Christ's Time, -it Actually goes back some 400 Years Earlier!
Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

Re: A Billion Seconds Ago! - 05/29/07 09:42 PM

Its occurred to me on the ride home, -that Not only is Rush and his Source Wrong on this, -but *I* am Wrong on this as Well!

So, -"I was Wrong"!

(I Honestly Didn't mean to leave that out!).

(Twas Rushed to get out of a Closing Library as well).

This all said and now Understood, -75 is a Respectable Good While ago now!, -in its own Right! A Billion Seconds is still quite a Bundle!

Also, -in my Added Note of a few days ago, -I Mistakenly Based my "400 B.C. Correction", -on Rush and Source's original, Erroneous, Information. the Same which had led to 1959 in Seconds. And so "a Billion Minutes Ago" I think would have to be many Hundreds of Years *A.D.*!

Here too, -Both Rush, his Source, and I, -have been Originally Wrong.

Regrettable again for the Situation here, -to (Correctly) "Force" me to Publicly Admit to him there being Wrong! But indeed he and I were. So what else can it Correctly be Called!? "Wrong" is certainly Not absent there.

He of course in my View, -Continues to be Right on the Bean on so much else! I guess he must Double Check some more!, -before Ventureing out into such things not "his Normal Sphere"!

And I had just Eaten Up his Figures on Faith!, -as well! Lesson here Learned!.