Anybody else having a crappy week?

Posted by: stealthedc

Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/26/07 09:33 PM

Several mistakes at work, 2 car breakdowns, lousy dinners at home (I can say that because I cook our dinners!),

TGIF Tomorrow,
Posted by: big_al

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/26/07 10:26 PM

Sounds like it's time to get out and take a hike.

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 04:22 AM

I ran a saber saw into the end of my finger today, does that count???
Posted by: ChristinaRodriguez

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 04:38 AM

How are you still typing, OldBaldGuy? Don't get your keyboard messy!
Posted by: aloha

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 05:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Christina
How are you still typing, OldBaldGuy? Don't get your keyboard messy!

OBG is a tough hombre. If there is at least a stump, he can still type. whistle
Posted by: 91gdub

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 02:02 PM

Yes, I have Poison Ivy! Been slathering myself with all kinds of goo this week to keep the itch down
Posted by: Blast

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 02:41 PM

My boss has been changed three times this week as our company reorganizes.

Monday I was handed a project that requires 135 days to accomplish, based only on the time required to run the experiements. The deadline? April 30th.

The above project also required 145 inches of the formation rock (oil well core sample from 3120 meters below the surface). I was sent 18 inches and told to reuse it as much as possible. The test involves dissolving the rock in acid. Until I fully develop God-like powers reusing the core sample is not possible.

The salesman who came up with this project does not speak English other than "It make $30 million!", which my boss(es?) thought overrode my arguements based on the laws of nature.

At home, I read a fairy tale to DD1 that involved a dragon with glowing eyes and every night this week she's woken up, seen the LED on the smoke detector and come running to our bedroom in tears that a dragon is trying eat her. This usually occurs around 3am.

At this point I'm surviving on caffeine and motrin. I call it my, "Yo! Up here on the ceiling!" diet...

-Blast, who needs just needs a little time to unwind...50 feet of cannon fuse!

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 02:53 PM

A variation of the old hunt and peck form of typing. Triple bandaids on the tip of one finger tend to make that finger hit more keys than intended.

Just one more reason I keep my tetnus shot current.

Interesting that you have a butterfly on your website, our "real" home is in a town called Mariposa, Spanish for butterfly...
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 02:56 PM

Could be worse. A friend of mine crashed his murdercycle, in addition to the broken femur and tib-fib, last I heard he was down to one toe on one foot. Now that takes a lot of bandaids!!!
Posted by: thseng

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 03:01 PM

Originally Posted By: Blast
The salesman who came up with this project does not speak English other than "It make $30 million!", which my boss(es?) thought overrode my arguements based on the laws of nature.

Uncanny - I could have sworn thay my employer doesn't have an office in Texas.

Potential sales dollars always trumps the laws of nature hands-down.
Posted by: DesertFox

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 03:11 PM

Wow. I thought I was having a bad week until I read about yours.

Putting it in perspective, it looks like I'm having a great week. But this will change when the wife finds the reciept for the new Surefire I bought.
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 04:22 PM

Bosses, can live with 'em, can't kill 'em...
Posted by: Blast

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 04:24 PM

No-Doz dissolved in Mountain Dew. It's like exercize in a can.

Posted by: el_diabl0

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 06:50 PM

Any day above ground is a good day. Cheer up everyone, you're still breathing. smile
Posted by: NeighborBill

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/27/07 11:35 PM

Buried a fifty year old aunt and a twenty two year old nephew this week.

Nephew's dad says that any day you wake up and your kids are still breathing is a good day.

I think I've hugged my girls more this week than I ever have before in my life.

Lessons Learned:

1. (Aunt) Diabetics missing limbs from alcohol abuse shouldn't be allowed access to alcohol

2. (Nephew) Just because you wear a seat belt does not grant you immunity from car crashes, even if you are going the speed limit.

3. (Nephew) Anyone who has children should be required by law to have life insurance.

The nephew saddens me the most, he was just starting out with his young family (two boys, one three, and one two month old), a diesel mechanic, knew and hugged everyone around him (even the sketchy people), and was thinking seriously about following my footsteps into the Army. I even gave him the beret I wore at my retirement, which apparently he carried around everywhere...his other aunt and uncle are going through the wreck right now looking for it.

Moral: Live God. Love Family. Serve Community.

The only thing that matters is how you spend the dash between your birthday and the day you leave this world....
Posted by: Blast

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/28/07 01:26 AM


I'm sorry for your lost. I can always switch jobs but your nephew... cry

Posted by: Susan

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/28/07 04:52 AM

My toilet tank apparently started leaking recently, and I just discovered it in the middle of last night, barefoot.

Something in the driver's door must have rotted through, as when I slammed the door, the window fell into the bottom of the door.

My neighbor just discovered she has breast cancer. A co-worker said her doctor thinks she has uterine cancer.

I'm kind of afraid to open my email the last two days.

But all of us are still walking around on top of the grass, which beats the alternative.

Posted by: wildman800

Re: Anybody else having a crappy week? - 04/28/07 05:35 AM

My condolences, Billy

I've been through some similar events and these kinds of wound never heal although the inflammation fades with time.

Tomorrow is a new day to concentrate on enjoying life and taking care of the children. Good Luck to all!