Am I missing something?

Posted by: 311

Am I missing something? - 08/13/06 07:34 AM

Post from blog on CNN:"I must say that it truly makes a person wonder when you realize that a simple bottle of Gatorade or hand lotion could kill people. I really don't fell safe anymore. Who is to say that some sick person could not take those things to any public place and let loose." Jessica Handley, Arbutus, Maryland.(short section as allowed by copyright laws) Am I missing something? I was not aware that gatorade & hand lotion were explosive. And all this time I thought that the issue was explosives disguised as sports drink, cosmetics etc. Boy, am I a dope!
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Am I missing something? - 08/15/06 03:59 AM

Miss Handley undoubtedly had a normal childhood in a nice neighborhood and went to a middle-to-upper class school. And deals with people who are nice and cuddley. I actually am jealous of people like that, becuase they can sleep at night as a rule.

Ah, the blessed sleep of the ignorant innocents.
Posted by: brandtb

Re: Am I missing something? - 08/22/06 02:54 AM

You're not missing anything. It's just that the TSA is so stretched that they can't take the time to examine every liquid and get, so they all have to go.

Last time I checked, only MacGiver could come up with anything explosive from Gatorade and hand lotion.