Reply to CC.

Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

Reply to CC. - 02/27/06 07:09 PM

(CC stands for "Constructive Criticism").

This is in reply to some recent Constructive Criticism I've received from someone in a PM, -who themself is not currently receiving PMs. So I reply so here.

It concerns my extent of capitalization (and anymore often Non-capitalization ) in my writing.

I respond that it can and should be lessened. I've been at this renewed effort now for a few months, -and indeed I have greatly lessened it. For instance, -this should be evident right here in this very post. (At least so far, -and hopefully thruout such rest).

But that's as far as it goes.

I differ with this one's view that upper case should only be used for standard, grammatical conventional purposes, -as we've all learned back in school. I think that it also can and should be used for proper Contextual Emphasis. Or for other instances of Due Importance. If a writer be so inclined, and this one is. I do it when I do so, -for these overall reasons.

I've given such a basic explanation a few months back. Refer to a list of my back posts, accessable here in our Forums, -for such.

I do Hear and Understand the Points that this person has made, -as well as for his Blunt but Civil Frankness. I Appreciate his mentioning it, -though that doesn't equate to Full Agreement. And I fully understand that such was given for the Spirit and Purposes of Constructive Criticism.

I'm not going to keep responding with the same thing over and over again. As to any future CC I receive on this from this person or others, -I'm going to refer them to this and other back posts.

Thank You, -and I'll keep at it! (This means keep at a *lessening* in my capitalization, -as much as a continuation of proper such. Lest there otherwise be any misunderstanding here! I'd like to now set the Emphasis and Accent on the Former, rather than the Latter! ). [color:"black"] [/color]

EDIT - Let me add in an Edit, -my earlier mentions (past posts), -that I certainly owe the Readership the Consideration of Good, basic, Readability. [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
Posted by: Blast

Re: Reply to CC. - 02/27/06 09:44 PM

I always read Your Posts because your Enthusiam seems to Leap Off The Screen like a Jumping Bass. It Brightens my day.

Don't Change!

Posted by: ScottRezaLogan

Re: Reply to CC. - 02/27/06 09:50 PM

Or one of those jumping Asian Carp up in Illinois! Thanks! Though there'll be some Due Changes, -Much will remain the Same! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]Blast[/email]