Beauty of being prepared...

Posted by: Polak187

Beauty of being prepared... - 04/30/03 01:01 PM

It’s good to have everything handy both for survival situation and convenience. Since on this board we get two different PSKs: one that is sealed and opened in case of emergency and other which is constantly in use I opted for the second type. My PSK may not contain everything out there that is needed but it has enough of stuff in there to make my life easier. Lately we seem to get into the arguments of firearms necessity, edged tools and what should be in your PSK or not. I think that it’s which in your rights to carry weapons and if your state allows it than god bless you. Edged weapons/tools also became a problem but lets face it: they are very useful. I carry a lot of stuff on me: PSK, FAK, Wave, quick oxygen wrench, Sebenza, 2 flashlights (solitaire and arc lc), Photon, cords, bandana, carabineers, strobe (ms2000), fast food (2 cliff bars), lighter, space blanket, Milky Bones and couple sets of latex gloves. I guess that living in NYC and barely making it out of WTC made me rethink my entire survival strategies. I became an EMT (and work few nights a week as one) to learn about first aid and I try to keep within reasonable shape. I know that my “toys and tools” won’t protect me from nuclear, bio or chemical attack. I just try to learn as much as I can about it and in reality it’s less scary than what media wants you to believe it is. My car is prepared, I know enough about survival, compass use to make it out all right. But I think that the biggest point of having all the stuff on me and knowledge is the fact that I use it everyday. My life is made easier day by day because of what I know. Having almost non stop access to FAK allowed me to help others and my self in many nasty situations, my PSK is an endless source of little tricks that can keep me occupied and also come handy during longer trips. Rest of my carry is used on daily bases as well. Above is just a statement how you can take something serious as survival and make it fun and useful. My girlfriend calls my FAK and PSK a “little magic box”. My friends also refer others to me with words: “Go to Matt he has it”. Use your PSKs and other stuff everyday guys, it’s hell lot of fun I’m telling ya.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Beauty of being prepared... - 04/30/03 05:10 PM

So I can use a well-stocked PSK to attract females? *runs off to update his kit*
Posted by: Polak187

Re: Beauty of being prepared... - 04/30/03 05:23 PM

Yes it works magic but my dog does much better job.
