Here we go again.......PC out of control!

Posted by: Anonymous

Here we go again.......PC out of control! - 03/24/03 04:31 PM

While assembling "bug-out" kits to place in our vehicles, my wife reminded me that I cannot include a folding blade pocket knife in the kit my son will carry in his car. Weapons are banned at school <img src="images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

Seems reasonable to keep a kit in each car as there may be a need to unexpectadly evacuate our area that is down wind of the Raleigh-Durham area.

Whatever was I thinking!

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Here we go again.......PC out of control! - 03/24/03 04:53 PM

Yep, that's what happens when you focus on regulating the tools instead of aggressively correcting the bad behavior. My wife works for a school district, now she can't carry half the stuff I think she should have with her.

As far as I'm concerned, it started with the anti-gun crowd, but it continues to grow out of control in all kinds of areas... schools and airplanes are the two most obvious cases.

Its amazing how every kid had a pocket knife in the '50's and virtually every home had a hunting rifle... yet people didn't go around trying to kill each other. So what happened? I don't know, but I don't think the tools have anything to do with the core problem! But nobody wants to address that, they just want to find some quick fix and then say we're all better off... until the next tragedy occurs and they figure out what they should ban next. Who knows what are they will do when the kids start hitting each other over the head with rocks?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Here we go again.......PC out of control! - 03/24/03 06:46 PM


People didn't go around trying to kill each other back then because there was concern for other people. Today, most people are only concerned with their own priorities and don't give a damn about anyone else.

Case in point. Yesterday my wife and I were leaving a shopping center when barrelling towards us in our lane was a Lexus SUV intent on parking as close to the Blockbuster return slot as humanly possible. When I stopped the car and refused to drive around the other car (which would have put me in the path of oncoming traffic) the other driver began scowling and gesturing. I finally got by when he pulled over to/onto the sidewalk. I thought this event was over then but this guy then chased me for a mile just so he could pull up next to me at a light and ask "what my problem was". I explained to him that in America we drive on the right side of the road. This statement didn't seem to register with him so I took advantage of a green turn arrow and lost him.

Second case in point. Driving down a residential street I was passed by two car loads of kids on a 90 degree blind corner. These people had zero concern for anyone who may have been coming the other way or the people who were walking on the road.

There is definitel a resistance to going with the flow in this country that I'm afraid is only getting worse.


Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Here we go again.......PC out of control! - 03/24/03 10:50 PM

Got the same rules at my daughter's college. She's an art student. They routinely work with razor blades, knives, welding torches, and all kinds of neat dangerous stuff in her classes, at least until the administration finds out about it and gives them only finger paints. PCness could bring about so many "safety" laws that one day the only thing we'll be allowed to carry in our PSKs is Altoids. Regards, Keys
Posted by: hillbilly

Re: Here we go again.......PC out of control! - 05/06/03 10:51 PM

I understand what you mean. I teach shop--saws, drills, hammers, shovels, etc. I keep a leatherman tool on my side because in Arkansas you are supposed to have an electricians knife for the student's use. I don't want to leave a knife laying around so I carry that one plus a pocketknife as well as an axe, chainsaw and machete in my pickup. (the kids use them sometimes too). The kids give me trouble, but I just show them the required items list and they shut up.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Here we go again.......PC out of control! - 05/07/03 10:48 AM

"Things are always more screwed up in New York."

That about sums up my school. Almost any given metalic, plastic, wooden, etc you can name is banned. You cant bring glass bottles or anything else (Pictures in frames). No one listens to this, of coarse. So they have this police dog that goes down the halls and smells out drugs/knives/guns/bombs or what not. I have gotten away with bringing a philips and flat head screwdriver and for a while a set of pliers. The rest of my scholastic bug out kit includes CD player, rubberbands and other various stuff I have scavenged here and there. -Shhh, dont tell anyone!- I have made something of an alliance with my neighbors (her locker was jammed and I lent her a screw driver and she is really popular so my "coolness level" went up a couple points.)

In Gym, we cant even use real golf balls in our golf lesson. Strangely, they allow us to do archery, nothing big though. <img src="images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

I could go on, but I wouldn't want you to fall asleep on me.