$14,000 bug out cabinet

Posted by: CANOEDOGS

$14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/29/14 11:48 PM

here's the link!
why settle for a Altoids tin??
Posted by: hikermor

Re: $14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/30/14 12:31 AM

Perfect for those with more money than common sense. For what they charge, I would expect a decent sleeping bag and a much better stove, just for starters.
Posted by: hikermor

Re: $14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/30/14 04:01 AM

A banner on their home page proclaims: "Providing life's essentials to keep you and your family calm and confident when the unexpected happens..," so one would think they are targeting individuals. Actually, it would be worthwhile to get the price of their bare cabinet, which you could then fill with supplies adjusted to your individual circumstances and situation. I am always leery of "one size fits all" kits
Posted by: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

Re: $14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/30/14 05:48 AM

Strange thing is that I suspect that anyone who pays $14,000 for this survival tool Kit, probably would have difficulty understanding and using that kit for what they are purchasing. Certainly more money than common sense.

The food supplies are particular nutritionally poor.
The Utility shutoff and tools kit will be a mystery to those potential buyers.
The cooking kit is useless for the food rations supplied.
Shelter is very poor.
Hygiene and sanitation is just mostly replicating house hold goods.

OMG, the $1900 Planning and Vital Documents Planning Kit is even more outrageous!

Posted by: JBMat

Re: $14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/30/14 05:32 PM

I'm pretty sure I have all the stuff they advertise and I don't reckon I spent $14k to amass my survival gear. And as my stuff is geared for two, I just saved a big pile of money.

Come to think of it, some of my stuff is way better than the low end stuff they have.
Posted by: Bingley

Re: $14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/30/14 06:18 PM

I'm guessing this company targets rich people who don't have the time or inclination to actually learn about survival (in whatever context), but can spend a million dollars to build the underground bunker. Why not throw 1.4% of the budget on a "survival cabinet"?

Seriously, if you need $14,000 to survive, most people are going to die. I mean, the primitive tribes in rain forests ought to be dead already.
Posted by: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

Re: $14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/31/14 02:53 AM

I doubt that there is more than $3000-4000 worth of kit in this package if bought separately.
Posted by: UncleGoo

Re: $14,000 bug out cabinet - 01/31/14 03:41 AM

"Jeeves! Open the cabinet!"