Dave Canterbury getting new show

Posted by: Finn

Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/03/12 11:09 PM

Dave just posted (less than 1 hour ago) on Facebook that he & Myke Hawke (Man Woman Wild) will have a new show. Its geared to youth and will be on the Outdoor Channel.
Posted by: Stephen

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/04/12 01:32 AM

Wasn't Dave Canterburry caught lying about all his military background and stuff?

If that's indeed true, I don't think I could watch his show anymore regardless of how good it may be.
Posted by: Stephen

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/04/12 02:47 AM

Then it is true,

That's too bad. I kinda liked dual survival. I mean I took most of it with a grain of salt but it was entertaining all the same. Glad to see Cody is going to continue on with the show.

Stephan, a number of forum members here at ETS have been contacted to be on television. Not many, but a few. So far none have taken any offers. We're really not that kind of group.

Umm.......O.k then.

This seemed like an odd bit to throw in there. Not kind of what group?
Posted by: Stephen

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/04/12 03:41 AM

Izzy, I didn't think you meant anything by it. I just wasn't sure what you were saying is all.

I don't watch much television myself, but if I am watching a show over a cold beer it may as well be a survival show where I am remotely interested as opposed to the other crap they pass off as entertainment these days.

God forbid I don't put survivorman on before the wife gets her clutches on the remote lest I get stuck watching reruns of corronation street.

(shudders uncontrollably)

I almost got picked up to be on mantracker a few years back. I am sure the show is staged but I was looking forward to putting that grey haired b*sT*rD in his place. Turns out they didn't need anymore people of my profession at the time as too many had already applied.
Posted by: Stephen

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/04/12 03:55 AM

I was hoping it would be the whispering bald guy that used to do deadliest warrior and future weapons.

Whoever it is will have to be the polar opposite of Lundine to give the show that bad vs good, right vs wrong feel. Half of what made dual survival fun to watch was watching Cody and Dave argue.

Its really too bad Dave Canterburry turned out to be a liar. He really played that part well.

I have no doubt Canterburry knows his way around the woods. He had some great youtube vids. I just can't get around the whole pretending to be a war vet/sniper thing.

Posted by: Finn

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/04/12 09:54 PM

I enjoyed "Dual Survival" alot and consider myself a fan of Cody. I liked Dave, but never really felt that he had the background he claimed. Disclosure: I share an MOS with him and we served over a shared period, 84-86, but I never met him. I also went on to serve as an infantry medic.

Dave has some good YT vids and some solid knowledge, but I haven't made up my mind on the "Stolen Valor" issue for myself. Yes, it was wrong and I cannot condone that. For now, I have placed some distance on him mentally.

Re: Myke Hawke... I just don't like the guy. Something about his personality really bugs me. I am not questioning anything about him, but I can't get past the personality. Found his wife far more entertaining.

I also hope that Cody teams with Terry Schappert- from the few things I've seen him in.
Posted by: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/04/12 11:07 PM

Its geared to youth and will be on the Outdoor Channel

Here is Peter Duncan (1980s Blue Peter children's TV show Presenter) and Lofty Wiseman (author of that Popular Survival book) with his 1987 Childrens TV series called 'Duncan Dares'. I guess it might be considered the original format of all that was to follow on the Discovery Channel. laugh There are some interesting differences though, which don't seem to make it into contemporary 'survival shows', such as sore tired feet, general fatigue, thirst, hunger and consequent failure.

Duncan Dares (Part 1)

Duncan Dares (Part2)

Maybe with all the product placement signature 'Survival Knifes' in the current crop of hard core 'Survival shows' scripted for vicarious thrills, there might possibly be a place for a map'n'compass, No wait that would suddenly become a happy camper or trekking entertainment show.

Posted by: Roarmeister

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/05/12 03:00 AM

Originally Posted By: Stephen
Then it is true,

That's too bad. I kinda liked dual survival. I mean I took most of it with a grain of salt but it was entertaining all the same. Glad to see Cody is going to continue on with the show.

Stephan, a number of forum members here at ETS have been contacted to be on television. Not many, but a few. So far none have taken any offers. We're really not that kind of group.

Umm.......O.k then.

This seemed like an odd bit to throw in there. Not kind of what group?

I thought dual survival was pretty decent up to that episode where Dave cuts his arm intentionally and they use gunpowder to seal/cauterize the wound. Unnecessary sensationalism, IMHO. From there is was difficult to take that show at face value.

As to your question, I believe that was in reference to a reality show, "The Colony". I know that at least one poster mentioned it, the details escape me though. The poster had his own personal reasons for not being a part of it, nothing more needed to be said.
Posted by: frediver

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/05/12 06:18 PM

I really don't care who they get now I will only be watching when there
when there is nothing else to see or do.
Now if they arranged to have Cody with someone like a genuine Eagle Scout, heck even a Scout with their latest Wilderness Survival Badge,
that would be worth watching.
Posted by: nursemike

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/06/12 12:04 PM

I think it is time for a three person team show-call it Armageddon Committee: Cody Lundin, Martha Stewart, and Rush Limbaugh. Cody brings his primitive skillset, Martha contributes shelter decorating, prison survival, and culinary arts, and Rush discusses the survival struggle as a metaphor for the national political scene. They will explore the use of parliamentary procedure to facilitate group decision-making in the survival context, and episode settings will include desert, penitentiary, and Central Park settings.
Posted by: powerring

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/06/12 04:21 PM

I have watched and enjoyed Dual Survival. It's a shame to hear about Dave, who seems to be a highly skilled hunter and outdoorsman if one can put the resume issues aside.

In spite of the perennial lack of shoes, I'm a big Cody fan. I've read both of his books and found them to be informative and enjoyable (which isn't an easy feat to pull off with this topic).
Posted by: frediver

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/06/12 05:25 PM

IMO it's time for a real change, someone with skills ( Cody ) and someone
without ( professional ) skills ie. a Scout. Time to see how they really compare, ie normal training to professional training, how one can learn from the other, where the normal ( scout training ) lacks or not ?
Heck it could even get more people into Scouting AND into Professional
training. Perhaps use the 3 person concept Professional, Scout, and Joe or Jane average.
Posted by: Mark_F

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/06/12 05:47 PM

If they'll give Charlie Sheen yet another chance, why not Dave as well.

That said, this was the first I'd heard about any misrepresentations of his background and subsequent firing from the show. This explains why there's been no new episodes. I had just thought the new season hadn't started back yet. I always liked the dual survival show, but like any show (or forum) just took in any new information and stored it away as something to experiment with later in safe conditions (with the exception of using black powder to cauterize wounds, ouch).
Posted by: Byrd_Huntr

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/07/12 02:28 PM

I have to agree with you on this. Not condoning stolen valor but in a way, it's too bad that a woodsman has to make up creds to even have a chance at a show like this. Dave is very knowledgeable in his Ohio element, and who knows how much blame can be laid at the feet of the producers of the show for the gunpowder, the canvas boat, and even the beehive stunts? I also believe that military training, as good as it is, isn't the only source of survival expertise. I think a show like Dual Survival should limit each host to two seasons, rotating one out each year on an alternating basis. I think having a wide-eyed kid follow Cody around like old episodes of "Mr Wizard" would be boring, as I'm not looking to this show for step by step survival instruction. What makes the show intersting to me is the discussion and occasional disagreement between two knowledgeable survival experts when faced with a challenge. Thats what makes me think.
Posted by: Stephen

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/07/12 05:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Byrd_Huntr
...it's too bad that a woodsman has to make up creds to even have a chance at a show like this...

Military creds are easy to recognize for most people. It is a standard to use that can have some sort of comparable value (if that makes any sense)

I was reading posts on another survival website not long ago. The owners signature block made me laugh. Mr. such and such, wilderness survival expert

Huh...Funny stuff.

Let me ask you this. What makes anyone of us a survival expert? The fact we enjoy the outdoors? the fact we can show people things on youtube that have been already done for hundreds of years? Talking about old techniques as if we invented them ourselves? Lets face it, making a fire with a fire steel isn't exactly rocket science.

How can you assign a level of "experness" when talking about survival? Ahhhh but everyone recognizes military stuff, even if you have never served television took care of that for most people.

Military training often conjures up an image of being a "survival expert" for some reason. So I assume Dave C used that to boost his precieved creditability.

Military training (with some exceptions) trains you to survive combat. Very little is devoted to lighting fires, building shelters, making water safe to drink etc. It heavily relies on navigation, E&E, combat first aid. (In the Canadian Army anyway) The average person simply assumes that someone claiming to be an ex sniper MUST be an expert in wilderness survival. If that were true we would have one hell of a military. I personally know soldiers (U.S and Canadian) who wouldn't know a fire steel from a chocolate bar. Not saying they are bad soldiers, just that beyond their job they are not very inclined to be outdoors.

Anyone who can truly claim to be a wilderness survival expert will probably never make a youtube vid. They most likely won't even have access to a computer.
Posted by: Finn

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/07/12 07:42 PM

Cody Lundin was recently interviewed by Backwoodsman Magazine and a good chunk of the article dealt with just that subject and he came to the same conclusion.
Posted by: Byrd_Huntr

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/08/12 12:58 AM

Brings us to someone like Les Stroud. Before Survivorman, he spent a year living in the woods in a tipi with his wife. Not everyone gets a chance to do that(I asked, but she wouldn't go). Nor is it possible to shuck the bindings of civilization and live in the wild like Nessmuk. Anyway, I believe you learn by doing. Any training a person gets never becomes a skill unless it is used. I think training gets your foot in the door, but time in the woods under primitive conditions is the true measure of an expert. I just don't know how you could validate a claim.
Posted by: Teslinhiker

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 07/08/12 02:59 AM

Originally Posted By: Byrd_Huntr
Anyway, I believe you learn by doing. Any training a person gets never becomes a skill unless it is used. I think training gets your foot in the door, but time in the woods under primitive conditions is the true measure of an expert. I just don't know how you could validate a claim.

Very good points, Byrd_Huntr. You can only learn so much by reading and backyard testing. The only true way to learn is by getting out and practicing your skills on a regular basis. I am not a survival expert by any means but my very regular outdoor adventures whether with a group of people or solo is how I learn, apply and improve my skills so that on the day when the chips are down, I may hopefully save my own life or more importantly, another person(s) life.
Posted by: jimtanker

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 08/26/12 02:26 AM

Well, I was just doing some knapping today with some folks who dont think very highly of him. I've heard that he likes to trade off of his name and not pay people the money that he owes them.

I for one wont abide a liar like him.
Posted by: JBMat

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 08/26/12 07:06 PM

Can't watch Dave anymore. His cut the arm episode, then he starts telling us he is Superman without a cape, and without the creds in his 201 file to back him up. Guess he started to believe his own stories.

I liked Myke's show. At least they "died" twice or at least once and a half times. Sorta kept it real the way I look at it.

Just wondering, will Myke call Dave "darlin" ??
Posted by: Roarmeister

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 08/26/12 08:01 PM

Originally Posted By: Byrd_Huntr
Brings us to someone like Les Stroud. Before Survivorman, he spent a year living in the woods in a tipi with his wife. Not everyone gets a chance to do that(I asked, but she wouldn't go). Nor is it possible to shuck the bindings of civilization and live in the wild like Nessmuk. Anyway, I believe you learn by doing. Any training a person gets never becomes a skill unless it is used. I think training gets your foot in the door, but time in the woods under primitive conditions is the true measure of an expert. I just don't know how you could validate a claim.

One of the proteges of Mors Kochanski and occasional instructor (Jay Kilgannon) built an XXL version of Mors' super shelter to prove the concept. From the pictures, I am guessing it was about 10'x16'x8' high, perhaps larger. It was built from a base of large logs, bent alder trees and branches to form a tall arch, then a layer of mylar reflective blankets, then a layer of plastic. He had a small wood stove, bough bed platform and table and chair in it. He spent the better part of a fall and winter living in it but apparently his girlfriend was not quite as enamored with it. Later in the winter, he said his friends took "pity on him" and offered up their houses for him to watch while they were on vacation.

After I saw Mors building the shelter, I later showed him the newer version of the AMK's mylar survival blanket (this was in 2007). He appeared to be quite interested in the material and noted how much more robust it was then the basic mylar sheets. I didn't tell him that it was about 5x the cost of the cheap mylar which would make his super shelter fairly expensive!
Posted by: Byrd_Huntr

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 08/26/12 11:32 PM

Originally Posted By: jimtanker
Well, I was just doing some knapping today with some folks who dont think very highly of him. I've heard that he likes to trade off of his name and not pay people the money that he owes them.

I for one wont abide a liar like him.

This is tough talk, as no one has established for a fact that he deserves this kind of treatment. I'm not in favor of a person exaggerating his credentials, but I hate to point a finger without hard evidence. Even then, wouldn't it be more prudent to just turn away?
Posted by: ILBob

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 08/30/12 11:58 AM

I am never impressed with military credentials trying to be relevant in a non-military setting. The military trains people to do things the way they want them done to support their mission(s). There are a lot of people who come out of the military with what look like very marketable skills at first glance and find that they are totally unprepared skill wise for the non-military market.

Why people think that someone having been a ranger, sniper, SEAL or in some other special forces type unit qualifies anyone as a woodsman just baffles me.
Posted by: kcatto

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 05/10/14 10:10 AM

I just found this interesting dave founded his whole company and school on lies of his military credentials when he started wilderness outfitters archery in 2008.. read it in his own words from his original site...

snapshot of his original site from nov 21, 2008

Posted by: Leigh_Ratcliffe

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 05/10/14 01:07 PM

Originally Posted By: kcatto
I just found this interesting dave founded his whole company and school on lies of his military credentials when he started wilderness outfitters archery in 2008.. read it in his own words from his original site...

snapshot of his original site from nov 21, 2008


Well, I'm glad to see the usual standard of two faced Old Testament vengeful hypocrisy being exhibited. Dave Canterbury did something that he shouldn't have. Got caught. Paid the price.
Now here's the thing: He had the courage to publicly admit to his failing and to ask forgiveness for his actions. I for one have given that forgiveness to him. He's not a bad man. Just one who made a very human mistake.

And why do I call it hypocrisy? Because if anyone on this forum claims to have never lied for their own ends , well I'll show you a hypocrite and a liar.
Posted by: Phaedrus

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 05/11/14 05:42 AM

I agree that Canterbury has "done the time" for his crime. My only concern would be whether he really knows enough to be running a survival school. Regardless of his official qualifications I'd say he knows more than I do, and there are undoubtedly things I could learn from him.

That said if I could go to any single survival school it would probably be the one Cody runs in AZ.
Posted by: Teslinhiker

Re: Dave Canterbury getting new show - 05/11/14 02:07 PM

Originally Posted By: kcatto
I just found this interesting dave founded his whole company and school on lies of his military credentials when he started wilderness outfitters archery in 2008.. read it in his own words from his original site...

Really? Does anyone still care about 2 year news (and posts?) This very same subject has been beaten to death on several forums and I do not get why...I would like to think that survival TV show fans have moved on past this subject and person. But I guess not...Seems like celebrity worship in a sense.