Where do you draw the line ???

Posted by: Chisel

Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/26/11 08:29 PM

I was talking ( OK, arguing ) with a supervisor who was aways criticzing this or that in our establishment, and praising some other companies that have more risk/reward type of job.

In a heated moment, I asked him why he stayed here all these years and why he didn't join this or that company. He responded that his wife refused the idea, and preferred the easy lifestyle she was having here.

I remembered another ( more friendly ) discussion we had earlier about his plans after retirement. He mentioned that he wanted to leave his city and move to a farm near a village, but - again - his wife wanted city life and couldn't stand cows and chickens.

That got me thinking about prepping. It is OK to change our plans regarding jobs ..etc. because of our loved ones, but many of us are facing some difficulties with spouses over such things as stockpiling food in the house.

Funny thing , when I was thinking about posting this question, I watched a U-tube video for Engineer775 and it was obvious that one of his teenage daughters was not happy with farm work.

So, how do you folks manage this , and where do you draw the line.
Posted by: Susan

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/26/11 09:52 PM

They're probably miserable and are just venting because no one at home cares what they think or want. Just listen with one ear and nod at appropriate times, and work in one or two 'uh-huhs'.

From some of the couples I've known, I've wondered why they've stayed married so long. There are some really nice women married to control freaks and idiots, and some really nice men married to control freaks and idiots.

Then there are the Opposites Attract couples, who have never agreed on anything and never will.

I guess people have decided which form their misery should take.

And, as a friend says: "If people didn't get married for such stupid reasons, they wouldn't get divorced for such stupid reasons."

Posted by: Jeanette_Isabelle

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/26/11 10:42 PM

I'm not seeing the connection between living as farmers and stockpiling.

Jeanette Isabelle
Posted by: RayW

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/26/11 10:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Susan

And, as a friend says: "If people didn't get married for such stupid reasons, they wouldn't get divorced for such stupid reasons."


Shouldn't that quote be on a bumper sticker. Still wouldn't put it on my ride but it is one that will get repeated.
Posted by: chaosmagnet

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/27/11 02:17 AM

My wife has been resistant to some of the preps I've wanted. She refused for some time to carry her BOB/GHB/whatever (our terminology at home is "emergency kit") in her car, stating that it took up too much room (in her minivan!) and was ugly. She has a point on that; I got a remaindered Camelbak in RealTree hunters' camo, and it ain't pretty.

After having used many items from it on many occasions, she's reasonably converted and carries it in her car at all times, and even listens when I show her something that's moved/added/changed. I still have to maintain it for her.

She carries a flashlight, again after years of resistance, but it's saved the day too many times for her to ignore.

Stored water and food has been bugging her mostly for taking up storage space, but I've essentially won that argument.

The only thing I've really wanted to get that she isn't wanting is a generator, and that only because of expense. Hopefully our finances will get a little better in the Spring and I'll be able to get one then.
Posted by: comms

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/27/11 03:00 AM

My wife is not a prepper, but puts up with me coming home with more stockpiles. She puts up with it b/c she has come to realize that it does come in handy, whether its b/c I have extra pancake syrup or evap milk or b/c we can give food to a needy family on a moments notice.
Posted by: Leigh_Ratcliffe

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/27/11 11:03 AM

Should be the Preppers motto:

Everyone thinks that we are idiot's. Untill it goes wrong!
Posted by: airballrad

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/27/11 03:13 PM

Relationships can evolve, as do situations. My wife wrote off my preps as an obsession with camping gear (guilty) and mild paranoia (who, me?), but as time has gone on they have come in handy enough times that she rolls her eyes and allows it. Refused me a generator, though.

We lost power for a couple days due to Irene, and I had enough flashlights for everyone in the house to have 4, plus stored water, cooking alternatives, etc. I had no way to power the fridge (boo!), the freezer (bigger boo!), or the sump pump (yikes!). Our sump pump works a lot, and when a borrowed generator was needed to keep our (newly finished) basement dry, she saw the light and I have a new generator now. No fuss, no fighting.

Sometimes the right lesson needs to be learned before change can happen. Hopefully the lesson does not involve hip boots and bailing. crazy
Posted by: gonewiththewind

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/27/11 03:51 PM

We have had enough issues with hurricanes and tornadoes that my wife has come around to my point of view. She now encourages some prepping and keeps a BOB packed for her and each of the kids. We have war-gamed through evacuations and remaining in place. when we first got together, she thought it was all pretty ridiculous; called it my "fetish". Demonstrating the usefulness is probably the best way to change someone's mind.
Posted by: JBMat

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/27/11 08:37 PM

Yes Montanero, the recent wild weather - first the tornadoes, then the almost hurricanes - have more than convinced some of my friends that having some things set aside for a rainy/windy day is a good idea.

Wife has always supported the extra food, camping gear, guns and ammo that we have. Figures if we have it and don't need it it's much better than needing it and not having it.

Fact is, it's her idea to go the gun show this weekend. Woot
Posted by: Susan

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/28/11 12:37 AM

I love to see compatible people! I have a friend (since grade school) who is best friends with her husband (married 40 years).

He has brought something useful home (they're preppers) and shown it to her, and her first question usually is "Did you get one for me?" And he reaches into the bag and hands #2 to her.

THAT is the definition of 'WONDERFULNESS'!

Posted by: Richlacal

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/28/11 01:17 AM

"when we first got together,she thought it was ridiculous,she called it my "fetish"!I guess that green french painters cap didn't convince her otherwise? wink
Posted by: gonewiththewind

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/28/11 11:02 AM

Not a French painter's cap, an Afghan Pakhol. Photo is from on of my early trips to Afghanistan. Hence the AK-47 over my shoulder. Not that it is not stranger than a French painter's cap.
Posted by: Richlacal

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/29/11 12:11 AM

Actually I was referring to what allowed you to cart the AK& wear the pakhol,or what cap you wore on the right 2/3 of your head,whilst wearing dress Khaki's & at parade rest! wink
Posted by: gonewiththewind

Re: Where do you draw the line ??? - 09/29/11 12:21 PM

AAHH, OK, I understand.