Really, anything can happen anytime.

Posted by: Chisel

Really, anything can happen anytime. - 09/25/11 02:05 AM

Local papers are talking about something that happened in a local clinic. Two men attacked it , one of them took out a pistol and shot a round in the air !!! They went through the front desk stuff and ran away. Luckily no one was harmed.

This clinic belongs to a local charity and it offers free medical treatment for the poor !!! This place has nothing to do with politics or anything that can trigger such an attack..

So, really, don't ever think that you are in a place where nothing happens.
Posted by: Richlacal

Re: Really, anything can happen anytime. - 09/25/11 02:29 AM

The Good thing is,the same local paper is going to publish the 2 perpetrators getting their heads put in the right place,lol!I wish we could adopt some that old fashioned-Justice!
Posted by: Lono

Re: Really, anything can happen anytime. - 09/25/11 02:20 PM

Free medical treatment can imply free drugs to a tweeker. Oxycodone for starters. Enter, fire gun, look for drugs, move along. A free clinic run by a local charity seems an easier target than your typical pharmacy. If they hadn't been jonesing for a hit so bad they might have waited and tried to burgle the place at night. That's my guess anyway.

Moths to the flame. We're all just bb's in a box, the more bb's, the more collisions. There are a helluva lot of folks out there affected by drugs that cause totally irrational (or reduce them to totally reptilian brain) actions.
Posted by: Blast

Re: Really, anything can happen anytime. - 09/25/11 10:37 PM

Originally Posted By: Chisel

This clinic belongs to a local charity and it offers free medical treatment for the poor !!! This place has nothing to do with politics or anything that can trigger such an attack..

So, really, don't ever think that you are in a place where nothing happens.

I used to work as night security (aka bouncer) in a free clinic. Those places attract the worst sorts. mad

Posted by: Susan

Re: Really, anything can happen anytime. - 09/26/11 12:01 AM

Several years ago, some junkies hit a similar clinic in SoCal. They apparently went there because they had been there before, for treatment or something. They didn't get much, but the workers recognized them, and then they more than they expected.

You just can't predict what junkies or whackos will do, or why. They just don't think like 'normal' people (whatever they are).

Posted by: Jolt

Re: Really, anything can happen anytime. - 09/26/11 12:41 AM

When I volunteered at a clinic like that, we had very prominently posted signs saying that we did not stock or prescribe controlled substances--to prevent precisely those kinds of situations.