what can be done with a safety pin

Posted by: zoltan

what can be done with a safety pin - 11/30/02 10:08 PM

Suburbs, night, raining - and I can't start my car. I'm on the street in front of someone's home, so I'm definitely not going to die - but I don't want to spend night here. First thought - call the mechanic. I grabbed the cellphone and realised - I had some emergency stuff in my pockets and a toolkit in my car, I should use them before I let somebody earn on me . I dropped the phone and took the flashlight. After a minute or two, I found a broken wire. OK, that's easy, I just need a short piece of wire (it was too short to connect directly) and some electrical tape to seal it. I've took out the tape, fhe tools and... what? No wire in the toolkit? I checked my pockets... no wire, too. OK, now let's see what I've got and start thinking...<br>After a while, I came up the idea ot pushing the safety pin through both pieces of broken wire. It worked! I just need to replace it before any mechanic can see it .<br><br>Lessons learned:<br>- carry wire<br>- put some safety pins into a car repair kit