Good hunting forum?

Posted by: dweste

Good hunting forum? - 08/10/10 04:29 AM

Going to hunt for tree squirrels for the first time. Is there a good forum that knowledgeably [sp?] discusses this, and perhaps other hunting topics?

Posted by: Backburner

Re: Good hunting forum? - 08/10/10 07:35 AM

I don't know why you're hunting them, but we always wait for the first hard frost before squirrel hunting. It kills off the critters under their skin from what I understand. I suppose it doesn't matter if you cook'em right though...

No I don't know of any forums. :P
Posted by: Phaedrus

Re: Good hunting forum? - 08/10/10 09:08 AM is a really good one.
Posted by: Richlacal

Re: Good hunting forum? - 08/10/10 10:38 PM

You can try there's a Whole Bivvy full of links there,regarding hunting Everything Feathered & Furry!Something's I learned as a kid,Skin the Squirrel Before you gut it!Otherwise, you will have a Dickens of a time!Gray Squirrels have scent glands on their forearms,chop their arms off at the elbow,before skinning them!Don't take the 1st one you see,Mark the Tree you see it at,then conduct a figure 8 pattern,aprox.100yds,& mark each tree you see,other ones,then go back to hunt the 1st one,Be Patient&Still! Good Luck!Lawry's seasoned salt/Coarse Black pepper Make's the Grade,for these Tasty Rodent's!
Posted by: HerbG

Re: Good hunting forum? - 08/16/10 01:05 PM

The best one I've come across:

I'm not sure there is a lot of coverage of small game hunting, but you can look around.
Posted by: Byrd_Huntr

Re: Good hunting forum? - 08/17/10 12:50 AM

There is no better way to introduce someone to the survival skill of wild game hunting than with squirrel hunting. You can practice your woodcraft, camp cookery, and survival skills as you walk for miles in the autumn forest and hear them everywhere, that is until you get close. Thats where the skill comes in. You take your daypack, and your amazingly light and accurate .22 rifle with it's ammunition that has hardly gone up in price since the '60's, and head for the prettiest piece of woods you can find. There are plenty of recipes for squirrel, but if you don't actually bag any, you won't care.

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