Camp Owasippe might be sold

Posted by: billvann

Camp Owasippe might be sold - 09/30/02 10:14 PM

From time to time, topic of scouting has come up on this forum as several of us were scouts in our youth and several are still invilved as Scouters (adult leaders). I have just learned that the scout summer camp I went to and worked at as a youth might be sold. The Chicago Area Council's Executive Board is going to recommend at it's next meeting that it's summer camp, Owasippe Scout Reservation (OSR), be sold becasue they have continually been running the camp at a $200,000 annual loss. <br><br>This news saddens me deeply as this is where I grew up. I consider it home.<br><br>Fortunately, the boards has agreed to allow a committee of volunteers raise money for an endowment fund. If successfull, the camp would remain open. But it is a daunting task. The fund would need $10 to $15 dollars by June 1, 2002. The Board will review progress this January to see if reaching the fund's goal is realistic.<br><br>Please pass along this news to any former scout or scouter that may have camped at Owasippe. Or to anyone who may be interested in helping. Too many scout camps are being closed these days, and once gone, they can never return. Owasippe is unique as it was America's first and oldest camp. It should be viewed as anational treasuse. Generations of young men have learned leadership, citizenship and reverence in it's green forests and clear lakes. My father camped there when he was a scout. I have taken my son there. And I hope he can take his there someday too.<br><br>There's not much information as the news just broke Friday. More information will be available on the Owasippe Staff Association web site.<br><br>Thanks.
Posted by: AyersTG

Re: Camp Owasippe might be sold - 09/30/02 10:14 PM

Bill,<br><br>Welcome to Central Region... they're in Naperville - go kick some rump for both of us (you're closer than me). It's all about the cost, and National has been just crushing the council execs over getting financially solvent - specifically w.r.t. reservations. We lost yet another one 2 years ago - about 600 acres (impossible to replace in Illinois, as you know) and are down to our last one (300+ acres) now. I was in the forefront of the fight to save it - to no avail. The acrimony still rings loudly here... meanwhile, what about the boys.<br><br>In case no one has noticed, Boy Scouts are evil according to some political agendas and the nastiness that certain political agendas has stooped to is venal, pervasive, and effective. Check your council's income from all sources for the last 10 years, adjusted to constant dollars, and you will see the effects. <br><br>I do not know if this is related or not, but some strategic plans at region and/or national level seek a single mega-camp in each region. I understand the arguements but don't agree.<br><br>Not sure what you mean by "operated at a loss" - so what???? ALL camps operate at a loss - that is why we all raise $ for the program. The cost of camp would be unaffordable for almost all boys if it was "pay as you go", even with the pitiful slave wages we pay staff (far less than minimum wage for 90%). In my recent experience, "operates at a loss" is a euphamism or excuse to close the camp and sell it. It's a crappy tactic and is probably being lead by one or two well-intentioned "volunteers" at the council level. Warning: talking about camp as a separate financial entity is misdirection aimed at closing it - mark my words.<br><br>Contact me off-list for more - you should take this very seriously!<br><br>Tom
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Camp Owasippe might be sold - 10/05/02 01:41 AM

Bill, When a treasured bit of land becomes vulnerable everyone should become involved. This may mean unusual alliances with environmental groups, possible native people's traditional use or connection, historical landmarks etc. You have to overcome many silly "non issues", which may include present attitudes towards the scouting organization. You must remind everyone the issue is not the scouts, but the land. I had a activist get upset over my leather cowboy boots once. I told her I was there to save redwood trees not brahma bulls and we could discuss my boots later.
Posted by: billvann

Re: Camp Owasippe might be sold - 10/07/02 01:41 PM

I agree. In fact, one of my "talking" points in my lwetters to the board and the Central Region is that we are the stewards for 5,000 acres of forests, fields and streams. Some of the habitats are listed as state endangered. If sold, major parts will be lost as it's not likely that a single buyer will be found with the intnt of leaving it "as is." And once it's lost, it's gone forever, especially within 1/2 days drive of Chicago.<br><br>Apparently, one of the options the board discussed was to use the proceeds to purchase a camp in McHenry county. I live in McHenry county, one of the fasting growing populations in Illinois. I laughed to myself when I heard this becasue I can't imagine where they'd find a decent peice of land that they can afford that won't soon be surrounded by development. Second, There are still attractive places in McHenry county, but nothing I'd call wilderness. That's why our troop travels 5 to 7 hours north into Wisconsin for summer camp. I honestly have to wonder when was the last time the board members slept under canvas for a week.
Posted by: billvann

Re: Camp Owasippe might be sold - 10/07/02 02:00 PM

I've held off a little before responding, Tom. I wanted some time to pass to let my emotions settle down. I have added contacts at the Central Region to my letter campaign. Thanks for the idea.<br><br>I agree with your POV on centralizing. It may look good on the ballance book, but it's not healthy for the program. It creates too much distance between the powers running the ledger book and those running the program. As districts and councils merge to consolodate and save money, the volunteers feel less and less like they're part of the program. <br><br>Last year, my old district in CAC was swallowed up when they reorganized the entire council and consolodated. I read from the sidelines as I noticed changes that I knew would be detrimental at the volunteer level. Leader roundtable meetings were relocated to a location further away, placing a bigger burden on the volunteers with additional travel time thereby making it harder for them to lend their time and help. The same is true for the OA chapters, they reorganized my ond chapter into a new one with parts of two others. The chapter meetiongs are nor further away for the scouts, making it more difficult for them. At least my old chapter rejmained intact. Two others were split, dividing scouts away from their fellow OA members that they camped and worked besides. Reducing the districts and OA chapter reduced or dilutes the efforts of those in the field. Instead of 9 Chapter Chiefs to promote camping at the local level, their are now only 7 with a much larger territory to cover with more troops. Advocates would argue that they still have the same number of members overall. But there will be fwer boys stepping up as there are fewer positions and there will also be fewer leadership opportunities for the boys, which is the mainstay of the scouting program.<br><br>Consolodation dilutes.<br><br>Anyway, I'd better get of my soap box for a while before I start seeing red again.<br><br>On the positive side, there's a great movement under foot to stop the sale. On one hand, I have a sense of dread that it's a "done deal" and our efforts will be for naught. But, on the other hand, I know the resolve of the OSA members and their love for the camp. My hope is that we have enough time to reach deep into the ranks of alumni and active members to turn this disaster around.<br><br>Thanks for lending you ear.
Posted by: billvann

Re: Camp Owasippe might be sold - 10/24/02 08:51 PM

I haven't updated this thread in a while, but things have been progressing.<br><br>First of all, the Council Board met last week and officiallt sanctioned the Save Owasippe Scout Reservation's attempt to raise funds for an endowment. Thi was little more than carrying through officially with what the Executive Committee had agreed to verbally two weeks prior. According to reports, had the sale come up for a "yes" or "no" vote, the outcome would have come close. I take this as a possitive sign as there's an opportunity to sway some members into our court. The council's real concern is that thy may face bankruptcy in 3-5 years if the problem is not resolved. At which time, BSA national ould take over and likely sell all assets. Several board members raise the question "how did we get in this mess in the first place." That's a good question and it wasn't truly answered. The fact that board members had to ask it is sign that there's more trouble in the council than just running a camping program.<br><br>The SOSR committee is preparing the business plan with an ETA of Oct. 30. The goal is to persuade many large doners that have dropped their charity gifts recently due to the BSA national's position on "alternative sexual preferrance." The plan will also cover recomendations on how to opperate the camp in a more profitable manner. There will also be a series of high margin fund raising activities. One idea is to hold a "dining hall" sing alone in Chicago and record the music and then sell CD later. There are lots of ideas and very little time. There is also an endowment fund set up for donations and pledges of any amount from anyone. The donations are tax deductable. The temporary acount has alreqady yielded $10,000 in it's first 2 weeks. That's not close to the $10-$15 million needed, but it shows that the interest and dedication of OSR alumni is strong.<br><br>I have set up a separate Save Owasippe Scout Reservation website to serve as a clearinghouse for the latest info.<br><br>More later.