Live from my DSi!

Posted by: DrmstrSpoodle

Live from my DSi! - 04/10/09 10:53 PM

As a frequent reader of the boards as well as an avid gamer, I'd just like to let everyone know I'm posting using my Nintendo DSi as a test right now. Pretty cool! So if it ever hit the fan and I don't have access to my laptop I can let you all know I'm OK through, of all things, my handheld video game *chuckle*...
Posted by: MartinFocazio

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/13/09 08:15 PM

How's the rendering of the site on that thing?
Posted by: DrmstrSpoodle

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/23/09 10:34 PM

Obviously not something you want to stare at for more than 10-15 minutes on a 2.5 inch screen, but it still comes out good and clear. You can use the DS's stylus to scroll through the page...
Posted by: Themalemutekid

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/23/09 11:38 PM

I do the same thing on my Sony PSP all the time....
Posted by: Eugene

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/23/09 11:42 PM

I'm on an ASUS eeePC 900, its a netbook with an 8"display.
Posted by: big_al

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/24/09 12:04 AM

I use my Dell Axim pocket PC for the same thing when I am on the road or out of town. I go to Mcdonalds or the truck stop and use wi-fi. also good for checking e-mail and bank accounts before biding on e-bay.
Posted by: Mike_H

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/24/09 12:35 PM

I use my iPod touch as well from time to time.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/24/09 12:48 PM

I was looking at the ASUS and the Dell micros, and I am considering the HP 2140 micro. It looks like it has the best bang for the buck, and is under two pounds with an 8.9" display. It can be upgraded to a 10.1" display. Base price is $279. It sure beats this 15lb Dell brick I was issued for toting, although the brick is a CAD level machine.
Posted by: Eugene

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/24/09 12:57 PM

I went with the smaller 9" model, wanted it to be as small as possible but still useable.
Posted by: Andy

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/24/09 05:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Eugene
I'm on an ASUS eeePC 900, its a netbook with an 8"display.

Using one of those with a wirless modem to enter this post from an Amtrak train nothbound at 100mph. Ain't technology marvelous?

My plan is to upgrade to a much faster SSD (solid state hardisk)as the one that comes with the unit is pretty slow. Upgrade will cost half as much as the unit did. But it will also take it from 16GB to 64GB.

Has anyone used a hack to enable the WIFI on the DS Lite to browse the 'net?
Posted by: LeeG

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/24/09 06:10 PM

I got my wife one of the HP mini's for her birthday and she loves it. It's large enough to do all the normal PC type stuff, but small enough it fits into a large purse.

Posted by: yelp

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/24/09 08:56 PM

Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
The days of large laptops is over. People want a second small computer for on the go browsing.

Not entirely - people still need to do CAD and GIS where there is no internet support. That doesn't require a large screen but it is preferred. Not to mention that at remote sites the laptop is also the DVD player.
Posted by: wildman800

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/25/09 01:50 AM

I too have started looking at this possibility.

However, I do have some word processing work that I require. If I can do my word processing off of my Memory Sticks, with a netbook, then I will do it shortly.
Posted by: Eugene

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/25/09 01:57 AM

Originally Posted By: yelp
Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
The days of large laptops is over. People want a second small computer for on the go browsing.

Not entirely - people still need to do CAD and GIS where there is no internet support. That doesn't require a large screen but it is preferred. Not to mention that at remote sites the laptop is also the DVD player.

If you want to do that then plug a nice big monitor into the little laptop. I to grew tired of having no decent small laptops, thats why I held on to my old one for so long.
Posted by: Eugene

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/25/09 01:58 AM

Originally Posted By: wildman800
I too have started looking at this possibility.

However, I do have some word processing work that I require. If I can do my word processing off of my Memory Sticks, with a netbook, then I will do it shortly.

Don't even waste time with those silly memory sticks,so few devices have readers for them. Use SD or USB flash memory they are far more standardized.

I just though,your probably talking about usb. There already is a type of flash storage called memory stick, its a propritary interface designed by sony and needs a reader. I've seen many people call usb flash usb sticks but be careful because memory stick is a completely different animal.
You don't need to store your documents on flash anyway, as netbooks got popular and people started stick hard drives in them the manufacturers took notice and started selling them that way. Mine has a 160G drive, though thats a little small so I ordered a 500G to replace it next week.

Posted by: wildman800

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/25/09 03:15 AM

Yes, you are correct,,I'm actually speaking about the USB flash storage "sticks".
Posted by: yelp

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/25/09 03:40 AM

Originally Posted By: Eugene
If you want to do that then plug a nice big monitor into the little laptop. I to grew tired of having no decent small laptops, thats why I held on to my old one for so long.

That's what I do at home, but when I'm working I get bounced from camp to camp so I have to live out of a duffle bag and a backpack for an indefinite period of time. Unless there's a large LCD monitor wherever I happen to be, I use the laptop as is. And when we're putting a camp together for air cargo, large fragile electronics aren't high on the priority list. But flats of soda for the drillers are...but I digress.

You're right though, that is a solution. But we all still carry "bulky" laptops.
Posted by: Nomad

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/28/09 01:50 PM

Originally Posted By: wildman800
I too have started looking at this possibility.

However, I do have some word processing work that I require. If I can do my word processing off of my Memory Sticks, with a netbook, then I will do it shortly.

Look at I have an acer aspire one, which is a netbook. Portable apps provide a complete open office, browser, e-mail client and much more that can be run from any external device (thumb drive, SDHC etc.).

I use an 8 gig SDHC chip which I move from netbook to notebook as the situation requires. This provides me with a sort of movable software module that contains all my personal work, most of my application needs and a lot of storage as well.

I even have an truecrypt encrypted section for those things which require secure storage.

I have been doing this for several years with no problems.

Posted by: Eugene

Re: Live from my DSi! - 04/28/09 03:42 PM

have to be careful with that, my MIL went in to a computer store looking for a memory stick because one of her friends said she needed one and then called me when it wouldn't fit in her USB port.
No matter what you use, netbooks can be bought with normal hard drives so you can carry anything you want/need on them. I just replaced the 160G in mine for a 500G so I could have all my data in one place.