Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This...

Posted by: wildman800

Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/17/09 09:53 PM

Robert Felix has written a book titled, "Not By Fire, But by Ice". He proposed that The Global Warming was a run up to the new ice age that is coming down, as part of the natural cycle of our planet.

One can only imagine the ridicule that Robert Felix has endured over the years from the Global Warming crowd.

Now PRAVDA, the Russian newspaper has printed a story about a group of Russian Climatologists have determined that we are about to enter another "Ice Age".

Has anybody informed A.G. and the Nobel people about this???

Posted by: airballrad

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/17/09 10:08 PM

That's why the preferred phrase now is "climate change". No matter what happens, they can say they saw it comin'. wink
Posted by: Russ

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/17/09 10:43 PM

Read the article earlier. If they thought global warming was a bad, just wait for global cooling. I've been buying wool. . ..

With global warming we could farm further north. Tough to farm anything on a glacier.
Posted by: samhain

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/18/09 12:29 AM

Maybe staying in Louisiana ain't such a bad idea except for all those damned Yankee carpet-baggers movin down here.

We could put up signs along the interstate saying "Mexico that-a-way --------->".

Posted by: scafool

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/18/09 03:07 AM

It was well above freezing today in Edmonton.
It hardly seems like the start of a new ice age.
Posted by: quick_joey_small

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/18/09 07:48 AM

No single study proves anything. Where are the hundreds of studies showing we are getting cooler, like there are to show we are getting warmer? Hard to see them existing when we are obviously getting warmer.
And as usual the fact the temperature is increasing at exactly the same rate as the global warming gases is just a coincidence?
Posted by: sodak

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/18/09 02:39 PM

Actually, we have been in a cooling pattern since 97 or 98. Additionally, there is lots of data to show how the CO2 levels aren't correlated with global mean temperature.

But we still don't have enough data. 100 to 150 years of data for a planet that's 6,000,000,000 years old is noise.

I hold a lot of suspicion for folks who have a financial interest in the prevailing opinion...
Posted by: Stretch

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/18/09 03:14 PM

Originally Posted By: airballrad
That's why the preferred phrase now is "climate change". No matter what happens, they can say they saw it comin'. wink

Yes. Isn't it interesting that we don;t hear much about "global" "warming" now, it's been changed to "global" "climate change". Of course, we need no reminder that America is the cause of whichever "change" is occurring. Of course.

AND..... we need no reminder that some very smart people have decided that we humans have not only "caused" the "change", but we have the power "fix" it.
Posted by: UncleGoo

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/18/09 04:17 PM

Forget climate change, we need to stop continental drift.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/18/09 07:23 PM

Originally Posted By: quickjoeysmall
No single study proves anything. Where are the hundreds of studies showing we are getting cooler, like there are to show we are getting warmer? Hard to see them existing when we are obviously getting warmer.
And as usual the fact the temperature is increasing at exactly the same rate as the global warming gases is just a coincidence?

Nope, it is simply misinformation. Seems anyone can say anything these days and it gets published as fact, regardless of reality.

Posted by: Art_in_FL

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 07:38 AM

A few articles from learned sources about the claims of a coming ice age. Reading the comments in each thread most objections seem to be made by people who haven't figured out the difference between weather and climate.

If anyone wants to read a good summation of the massive amount of supporting evidence behind AGW and how it was determined you could do worse than starting with:

It is the first of at least six posts so follow the links on his site to find the others. Reading the whole thing is worth the trouble. If you don't understand AGW before you read it you will have a handle on it after. If you still don't think the claim is true then at least you know what your standing against.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 02:17 PM

Regardless of what Pravda and all the so-called climate experts say, if you ever get the chance to watch The Day After Tomorrow you'll see just how fast we can all freeze to death wink NYC looks great all dressed in Ice; it floods and turns into an Ice Rink in less than a day. Great flick, very on topic, Hollywood at its Global Warming best. It can happen in days, buy wool . . . and a wet suit . . . and property in Costa Rica wink

The problem with Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change in general is that both sides claim science backs them up. What's an English Major to believe (not that I was an English Major, I don't right good enough and besides, I'm from the U.S. wink ) Anyway, if the current administration wants to sign on to some global protocol and shut down U.S. industry for good . . . never mind, now I'm getting political and we all know Climate Change is pure science whistle cool
Posted by: Stretch

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 02:46 PM

It isn't so much about climate "change", even if it were sudden and catastrophic. No, no. I am among so many that believe the climate changes are a natural part of Earth's cycle of life, whether the climate is hospitable to us or not.

No, the true issue of our time is: How does it occurr (naturally) and can we do anything about it (no)?
Posted by: Russ

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 03:14 PM

I believe it's the height of arrogance to believe we are the cause or that we can do anything to stop it.

We roll with the punches Mother Nature throws and get off the mat when she lands a solid punch. We aren't going to beat her, all we can do is try to not get knocked out.

I'm all for cleaner, non-polluting, fuel efficient cars, but I'm not going to believe that it will have even a small impact on what the climate does as we orbit the sun and move through the galaxy.
Posted by: Stretch

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 06:32 PM

Yes, me too. Cleaner, more efficiency, less "eye-sore" even, but for the benefit of plants and animals (includes humans), NOT because I think it would have any impact on an Earth cycle or weather pattern.

The "height of arrogance"..... well said and an apt description of.... well, some persons I suppose.
Posted by: thseng

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 06:41 PM

Notice that where we are today is the lower right hand corner of the graph.

'nuf said.

Are we gonna "evolve" or just sit around complaining about how the global climate was always perfect (for who or what?) in until 1900 and should never change?
Posted by: scafool

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 07:09 PM

Originally Posted By: thseng

Notice that where we are today is the lower right hand corner of the graph.

'nuf said.

Are we gonna "evolve" or just sit around complaining about how the global climate was always perfect (for who or what?) in until 1900 and should never change?

I find their chart very interesting.
Note how the drops in temperature and the variations of CO2 line up with the great die offs, and how the worse extinction events slightly lag where CO2 and temp decline drastically at the same time.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 07:11 PM

It was all Bush's fault wink

Posted by: benjammin

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/19/09 10:45 PM


If only we'd have elected Gore instead...

Sarcasm mode: off

If there's one thing we should know by now, it is that this ecosystem as a whole has been changing since long before we got here, and will continue to change long after we are gone. The number of plants and animals that have come and gone on this planet are inumerable, and we had nothing to do with the vast majority of them.

I am reminded of a quote:

"A person is smart, people are stupid." Isn't that exactly how we all are?
Posted by: scafool

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/20/09 02:09 AM

Whatever, even if he is right there is not a lot I can do about it.
Packing an extra pair of socks won't make much difference if the Sun winks out tomorrow, an umbrella won't stop the next great comet collision and a bottle of Tums will not prevent an unsettled stomach if the Earth turns a somersault and does the Peanut Butter Jelly Dance in 2012.

I am just a poor excuse for a man trying to stay alive in this poor excuse for a world.
So far we seem to be getting along, but in the end I expect time will do us in.
Most likely me first.
Till then I will just keep doing what I can with the little I have.
Posted by: GarlyDog

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For Thi - 01/20/09 04:34 AM

Global Cooling? That is so 1970's...

Global warming, Global cooling, and Climate Change pundants remind me of the quote:

"Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about."

And that reminds me, I am still waiting for my flying car.

Posted by: Tom_L

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/20/09 05:59 AM

There were farms on Greenland years ago, before we ever had cars, thats all the evidence I need that the climate changes with or without mans interference.

That's correct. Our planet was significantly warmer during the 12th and 13th c., so much so that many parts of Northern Europe like Scandinavia and even Greenland were a lot more hospitable than they are today (despite the "global warming" - does that suggest anything to you?).

In the 14th c. the climate changed gradually and we had what is now sometimes called the Little Ice Age. It did have a very considerable impact on the population of Europe at the time - harsher living conditions, less arable land, more diseases and in many places depopulation or at least demographic stagnation.

That the climate is changing is a fact of life. It has been changing all the time anyway. Our actions certainly have an impact on the environment but by and large, all the major factors are unpredictable and beyond our control. On the other hand, the human race is very adaptable. We have survived things as bad as the Ice Age. Not that it's easy, but it can be done.
Posted by: thseng

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/20/09 12:16 PM

"...while human society is readily annoyed, it is very resistant to serious damage, and the advance of technology makes it more rugged with every generation." - John McCarthy
Posted by: Mike_H

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/20/09 02:54 PM

I'm definitely more concerned with impact events. Quite hard to deflect a big space rock coming at you.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/21/09 03:11 PM

I suppose progeny has it's place in the list of goals and objectives of most folks. Perpetuating the species is for the most part an instinctual drive that we seem to have inherited, or were blessed with, whichever you prefer.

Regardless, each of us has a fixed duration, no one lives forever, and whatever may come after our time here is done, I doubt we are going to care much one way or the other what happens to those who will come after, whether they face annihilation from some cosmic source, or they manage to do themselves in as a whole. While it is charitable to consider how our lives and our actions will affect the outcome of our race in the long run, from a practical point of view it doesn't really have that much bearing on our own existence in the here and now. Whatever vested interest we may have in making life a little better for our children's children, it must by necessity wane once our mortal coil is shed. Even for those who believe they may come back, the chance that anything you could do in this lifetime would have a perceivable effect on your next incarnation is far too small to be a motivating factor in your present.

The bottom line is, as Seargent Barnes put it "Everybody gotta die sometime, Red", which to me means that no matter what I do now, I am gonna be gone soon, and even if I come back here again, I am only gonna end up dead again, so I might as well make the most out of the time I have now, try and be respectful of others and the world I live in as if I have to share it with everyone else, and figure that whatever happens after I start my dirt nap, my concerns will be elsewhere then.
Posted by: Mike_H

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For This... - 01/21/09 03:24 PM

This is the quote I tend to live by:

"To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
to leave the world a little better;
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is the meaning of success."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted by: GarlyDog

Re: Forget About Global Warming, Get Ready For Thi - 01/21/09 03:43 PM

Originally Posted By: Mike_H
I'm definitely more concerned with impact events. Quite hard to deflect a big space rock coming at you.

+1 on that.

I heard a quote somewhere that there are more people working in an average McDonalds than there are full time searching for "impactors" (tech talk for Death Asteroids).

And let's not forget about Planet X's visit in 2009 and 2012...