Blind pilot guided to land by RAF

Posted by: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

Blind pilot guided to land by RAF - 11/07/08 08:28 PM

Cessna Pilot, Jim O'Neill, aged 65 has a stroke and becomes blind and he needs to land his aeroplane!!

Posted by: benjammin

Re: Blind pilot guided to land by RAF - 11/07/08 08:39 PM

LOL, I can imagine the ATCs acting something like the Buddy Hackett/Mickey Rooney landing sequence from "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World".

I wonder if one of them ended up hanging out the side of the tower wrapped in and dangling from a mic cord.
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Blind pilot guided to land by RAF - 11/08/08 04:17 AM

Somehow I have a vision of Andy Griffith spitting into the back of a radio, whacking it, then saying into the mic "Hellloooo"...
Posted by: Susan

Re: Blind pilot guided to land by RAF - 11/09/08 04:35 AM

My mother was driving in Las Vegas when she had some sort of short-term stroke. She said it was like all the lights went out. She knew she was in the right lane, so she just slowed and gradually pulled to the side until she touched the curb. Just as she came to a stop, the lights came on again, and she went home and called her doctor. Scary.
