Alternative news sources under attack?

Posted by: NIM

Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 06:13 PM

Hello everyone,

I (like most of you) check alternative news websites for cutting age and censored news. There are VERY few that I frequent on a regular basis and I've started to notice they are coming under attack. ie. Websites such as (which is even down at the time of this posting).

My questions are: Have you noticed any of your alternative news sites being censored or attacked? What news sites do you really like/frequent?

Personally I never thought that would be attacked as I always thought they towed the line(like pulling the Comet NEAT stories when 'asked' by the government).

The internet still lives! Long live the free internet!


Posted by: Themalemutekid

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 06:35 PM

I read Rense sometimes too.....Lot's of mumbo jumbo amongst some real good news items.
Posted by: DesertFox

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 07:23 PM

How do you determine that a web site is being attacked, as opposed to just having technical difficulties?
Posted by: MartinFocazio

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 07:49 PM

Originally Posted By: DesertFox
How do you determine that a web site is being attacked, as opposed to just having technical difficulties?

Well, an attack give a site technical it's hard to say from the outside.

From the inside, it's a totally different story. A DDoS attack is pretty amazing, as is a buffer overflow attack and just get saturated with requests and malformed requests and SQL injection tests - tens of thousands of requests at's interesting to see it on a network monitoring screen.

Posted by: Art_in_FL

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 09:40 PM

Lets face facts here folks. These attacks are made possible because people have simply refused to protect their computers and prevent them from being used as weapons. There are simple and effective firewalls, anti-virus and anti-malware programs available for free but too many people don't use them. If a potential attacker couldn't find unprotected computers to bring under their control and use in these sorts of attacks these sorts of attacks would be nearly impossible to make.

That said.

Rense, long a facile and compliant mouthpiece for the wingnut right and favorite outlet for PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. propaganda, deserves all the trouble that comes at him or his site. He gets very little sympathy from me.
Posted by: Blast

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 09:46 PM

Rense, long a facile and compliant mouthpiece for the wingnut right and favorite outlet for PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. propaganda,

Cool, thanks for letting me know. I'll definately start checking it out from now on.

Posted by: CityBoyGoneCountry

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 11:20 PM

I'm sorry, but any site that has a banner ad for "psychic powers" right on the front page is a joke.
Posted by: Stretch

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/08/08 11:49 PM Saved to Favorites!
Posted by: Henry_Porter

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 12:42 AM

Originally Posted By: CityBoyGoneCountry
I'm sorry, but any site that has a banner ad for "psychic powers" right on the front page is a joke.

I agree, "psychic friends"-style ads are a joke. But I figure we also have to wade through much more deceptive propaganda and well-funded deceptions on many "mainstream news" sources. Whether mainstream or alternative sources, we have to filter out the poison (falsehoods).

What's not a joke are the kind of "psychic powers," for example, that enabled that some members of the GW Bush administration to presciently receive Cipro doses at least one week before "terrorists" mailed anthrax-laden letters in the U.S.

Equipped content? Just because something looks safe, doesn't mean it is. Boil your news first.

Posted by: wildman800

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 01:08 AM

Greetings to all!!

This is a subject that I do have opinions on. I have read all of the posts that have been written thus far.

Opinion: does have some good, middle of the road articles, BUT, It also has many extreme Left AND extreme Right written articles AND a great number of all of it's articles reflect somebody's idea of PROPAGANDA! I check this site for news AFTER I have checked the others and IF I have time to look at it. Again, this is my opinion.

Opinion: has many good news articles and most of the news articles have a middle of the road viewpoint. This website's emphasis is on disaster preparation, climate changes and their affects on the human race. This is a basic Christian website without too much preaching. I try to check this daily!

Opinion: has many good news articles and most of the news articles have a middle of the road viewpoint. This website's emphasis is on economic news as well as some disaster preparation news and information. It is christian based. It provides a link to the Stan Deyo website and a few others. I try to check this website daily!

Opinion: I go mostly to the "Daily Update" to read George Ure's thoughts and whatever tidbits he is releasing from the Web Bots program runs that Cliff Carnicol ??????? (I don't quite remember the last name). The web bots program has been pushing about a 95% accuracy rate although it is sometimes difficult to make sense of the computor product's wording/structure. I try to check this daily.

Opinion: carries 5-6 articles gleaned from the news. Most of this site's articles deal with science AND paranormal. They also publish unique daily photos that their readers send in to them. I try to check this website every couple of days.

Opinion: If you really want to see some weird postings about current events, try this is an extraterrestrial website to educate all of us "hum-ons" and I think the reader who checks it out thoroughly, via the cover page, and then scan through the New zeta talk, will come away with some VERY mixed feelings about a number of things. The host, aka: human, who runs this web site, Nancy Leder, is in the UFO Hall of Shame, but that is also another story all by itself!

This is not by any means all of the places that I try to look at on a daily or weekly basis but none of these will raise a RED FLAG in some Gov't computor system if you go there.

Posted by: Raspy

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 05:03 AM

Isn't it amazing that the lefties are the ones that instantly start the name calling and conspiracy claims.

Art & Henry keep your politics to yourselves.

But then again I guess there is only free speech if you bow to the liberal line.
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 06:14 AM

Raspy, you are skating on very thin ETS ice here. Once again, and once more please read the ETS forum rules and courtesys.

I personally listen to a great many alternative news sources of many political bent. It's not unlike that elephant and the blind men describing it. And the annual listing of the top censored stories in the media is always good reading.

I was standing mid watch on the old decommissioned cutters Winona and Minnetonka.
I was turning the dial on my pocket FM radio and discovered KPFA of the Pacifica Foundation. It's a melee' of leftist opinion mixed with folk music.

So I come home and listen to it's sister L.A. station KPFK. And one day in the middle of Mario Cassetta playing some gawd awfull gutteral throat music by Mongolian shepherds the station WENT DEAD for two hours.

Rumours of a government assault flew faster than Venice Beach rollerskating girls in bikinis past rastafarian musicians, red Che' tshirt vendors and black helicopters.

What actually ensued, was old Mario ran out to his car in the middle of a set for some Quebeca folk music and locked himself out of the station in those pre cellphone days.

Posted by: benjammin

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 11:18 AM

Yup, it's threads like these I try to avoid so as not to incur the wrath of the ETS gods.

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 01:11 PM

Posted by: Themalemutekid

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 06:04 PM

Well one things for sure, Jeff Rense sure has one sweet a** mullet....LOL!!
Posted by: DesertFox

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/09/08 06:55 PM

Originally Posted By: Blast
Rense, long a facile and compliant mouthpiece for the wingnut right and favorite outlet for PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. propaganda,

Cool, thanks for letting me know. I'll definately start checking it out from now on.


Ha. Knew there was something I liked about you. I'll keep the black helicopter idling. wink
Posted by: Raspy

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/10/08 03:50 AM

Fine Chris. I guess political correctness has hit here to. I'm not the one that started the name calling. Art started it with his wingnut right comments. With Henry following up with his slander and accusations about Bush. I guess I'm on thin ice because I dare call them on it. So I suspect you are a member of that crowd that can bash the right. Yeah it's free speech as long as it is only for the left.

I guess the ice broke. You and this entire board can go to HE11.

Do us all a favor. Remove me from your roles. Remove my post from your crap forum.

Posted by: Rodion

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/10/08 10:06 AM

That's a very good tantrum. I'll give it... 8/10.

Can I have your signature?
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/10/08 10:31 AM

Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL
long a facile and compliant mouthpiece

Regardless, it is protected by free speech. Like or dislike the politics, attacking a web site by script kiddies is little different from talking in the theater and peing in the snow in the park. But if we want to factor in the politics, then if it is under attack and their server isn't dieing, there is possibility that someone is attempting to muzzle a competing viewpoint. Kinda violates the spirit of what we say we stand for.

If that is what politics is becoming, then this is not a place where you want to be happily crowing about it- "rightwing, lunatic paranoids" has been used to describe people who think that it is not only normal but proper for the private person to have 20 or 30 gallons of water, a month of food stored and against storm, earthquake, and economic disruption. Particularly when they also think their protection and defense starts with them. IE, most of the people on this site.
Posted by: Blast

Re: Alternative news sources under attack? - 09/10/08 12:31 PM


Please reconsider leaving ETS. The information you've provided us over the years has been invaluable! Your posts on Car BOBs, EDC for the Brooks Brothers Set, Firemaking, etc... should be required reading for any new members of ETS.
