TSA strikes again...

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 01:14 AM

Apparently no one else will start this one, so I will. Seems that TSA made a female passenger remove two nipple rings, NOT in private, before she could board a flight, but let her on still wearing a bellybutton ring. What's with that???
Posted by: Kris

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 01:24 AM

Just checked on cnn.com, no story like that (usually they are the first to post stories like that)... do you have a url?

FYI: This is the wrong way to get someone's phone number!!!!!
Posted by: Hikin_Jim

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 02:02 AM

Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
Apparently no one else will start this one, so I will. Seems that TSA made a female passenger remove two nipple rings, NOT in private, before she could board a flight, but let her on still wearing a bellybutton ring. What's with that???

They were worried she was a Fembot? (with apologies to Austin Powers) laugh
Posted by: Russ

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 02:03 AM

Read about this yesterday. Good to know TSA has not stopped screwing around with their charges. We can sleep well tonight.
Posted by: Blitz

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 02:48 AM

Here you go Kris.

Nipple rings

Personally I wouldn't want my nipples pierced (or anything else for that matter), but that's just me. smirk

BTW, the Woman that had them is NOT at all attractive (read beat ugly) not that it matters. eek eek

I could tell some stories but I won't.

Not Pierced,


Posted by: Hikin_Jim

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 03:09 AM

"Average looking" nipple rings actually detonators for C4 filled breasts. Film at 11:00. laugh
Posted by: katarin

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 08:36 AM

Personally, I think the TSA went way the hell overboard on this one.
one time my parents were taking my children, niece and nephew to florida for a vacation.. they made my mother remove my disabled son's back and leg braces so they could check them.. the only metal on the braces are small d-rings for the straps. the rest of the brace is a solid plastic. i mean just looking at him you can tell why he needs the braces.
Posted by: Kris

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 12:16 PM

Thanks for the url...

TSA did go overboard. No two ways about this. Wonder if anything will happen to the TSA employee's?
Posted by: Jackal

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 05:20 PM

there was a time i dreamed of living and working in the USA, the belief in freedom and civial rights stuck a cord with me as did the ethics of the people. not being policital here just saying that the dream is gone and the reality seems to be sad
Posted by: Stretch

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 05:55 PM

In this world of "political" correctness (ooops. Scratch that word!!!! Scratch it!! I didn;t mean it!), the inability to "profile" passengers makes everyone look like idiots. An airline flight is not a consitutional "right".....it's a priveledge. I say profile and leave innocent people alone.
Posted by: BobS

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/29/08 05:57 PM

Progress sucks doesn’t it?

I think we are stuck with it, at least till it gets worst. Then we will be stuck with that, till it gets worst, on & on. You get the idea……

Freedom is an illusion today, sheep will always need the Shepard.
Posted by: Erik_B

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/30/08 06:42 PM

the problem is that profiling gives you no better a chance of catching a would-be hijacker than purely random screenings, because any prospective terrorist worth their salt is going to go out of their way to NOT look like a terrorist. the only sensible thing to do is to discard any ideas of selective screening and just harass everybody.

Originally Posted By: BobS
sheep will always need the Shepard.

yes, but certainly not this "TSA" creature.

Posted by: Susan

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/30/08 08:50 PM

"... TSA made a female passenger remove two nipple rings ...but let her on still wearing a bellybutton ring. What's with that???"

Because they weren't interested in her belly button?

From the article: " 'Our security officers are well-trained to screen individuals with body piercings in sensitive areas with dignity and respect while ensuring a high level of security,' the agency said in a statement."

TSA agents are TRAINED to act like idiots???

Well THAT answers a lot of questions, doesn't it!

Posted by: DrmstrSpoodle

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/30/08 11:23 PM

The last time I flew was in May of 2005, going from Cleveland Hopkins to Midway Chicago to see my dad. I flew alone and there were no real problems, even when I forgot my boarding pass (I forgot I was using it as a bookmark, for H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds", no less!). Has it gotten crazier in just 2 years' time? Jeez!
Posted by: Stretch

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/31/08 01:24 AM

No, it probably hasn't. But it's such a hotbed issue that the random incidents (well, maybe not quite "random") are so ludicrous as to make the whole affair seem crazy.
Posted by: BillLiptak

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/31/08 03:28 AM

I've never had a problem traveling with my peircings or getting into a courthouse for that matter......any really good body jewelry is made from surgical implant stainless steel really hard to pick up unless the metal detectors are set super sensitive. TSA was way out of line on this one IMO and I would think the woman in question should seek a lawyer asap...

-Bill Liptak
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/31/08 03:46 AM

"...surgical implant stainless steel really hard to pick up..."

That must be why the numerous screws in my various bones don't set those things off...
Posted by: Russ

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/31/08 01:04 PM

Lots of screws in bones are Titanium. Bone likes Ti.
Posted by: jenkinma

Re: TSA strikes again... - 03/31/08 02:42 PM

+1 on that Russ... had some recently added to my internal "infrastructure" and was told not to worry... the scan is apparently about density/mass and 6 Ti screws and a plate in my neck ain't gonna make the cut.

However, I have a friend who's got a bunch of steel around his heart now and has to carry the obligatory pass to get through the scan. I don't have to carry one for my implants. whistle