sorry, probly dumb question.

Posted by: climberslacker

sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/03/07 08:27 PM

I was just wondering what a bob kit is. Im new hear so please dont flame me.
Posted by: Black_Wulf

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/03/07 08:34 PM

BOB= Break Out Bag..
There was a description of what each acronym means, but I don't remember where it was.
Posted by: climberslacker

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/03/07 08:48 PM

that was all i was wondering about,
thnx much
Posted by: Art_in_FL

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/03/07 09:32 PM

BOB = one or more:

Break Out Bag.
Bug Out Bag.
Bail Out Bag.

I don't think there is any one correct answer. 'Break Out bag' seems to be mostly a military usage. 'Bail Out bag' seems to be the preferred term for potential aviation and marine emergencies. While 'Bug Out Bag' seems to be the term most used for prepers and survivalists.

The general idea in all these cases is that it is a bag or container that contains a collection of relevant supplies, materials and/or tools your likely to need to keep you alive and relatively healthy after a set disaster or emergency.

It is the first item you grab as you abandon ship, escape the burning wreck of your crashed airplane or flee a natural disaster. In an emergency it may be the only thing you have left to work with after the fact. If your lucky enough to get to it and keep it with you.

The size and contents are optimized for the expected conditions, duration of the event and environment. It is usually kept light and compact enough so as not to interfere with normal functions before the emergency and so that a single person can quickly extract and move it without assistance during or after the emergency.

The vital importance of the contents and limitations on size and weight makes choosing the contents something of a zero-sum game. Which is IMHO the reason so much time and effort goes into examining, re-examining, analysing and debating what should, should not, or might best be included.
Posted by: DrmstrSpoodle

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/03/07 11:02 PM

I prefer to kinda keep things simple, like the instant coffee I drink (just add hot water and go, lol!). So basically I'm going to say that a BOB is a "bug out bag", a bag where you keep important survival gear, so you can just grab it and go when TSHTF (find out for yourself what THAT acronym means, heh heh heh!).

But welcome anyhow! I'm kinda n here myself although admittedy I began as a lurker...
Posted by: Loganenator

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 12:00 AM

Hi Climberslacker,

Usually if you type "define: BOB" for example into google it will search the internet to define that acronym or any acronym for you.

Here is a scary acronym for practice ;^)


Cheers and welcome!
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 01:39 AM

Welcome Newguy!!!
Posted by: jay2

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 01:59 AM

while were defining acronyms: how about EDC and fik and all the others I wonder at while lurking? Any dictionary of survival forum acronyms?
Posted by: REDDOG79

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 02:03 AM

acronym thread

there ya go it is not such an unusual request around here
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 02:04 AM

Here ya go. I did not compile this list, so don't blame for any booboos...

List of acronyms used on the ETS- forum:

AIRSAVE - (USAF) (see also, PALS & MOLLE)
ABCDE= Airway/ Breathing/ Circulation/ Disability/ Exposure
ABD-pad= ABDominal pad
ALICE - All-Purpose Lightweight Carrying Equipment
ALS= Advanced Life Support
ATLS- Advanced Trauma Life Support
AM - Amplitude Modulation
AIRSAVE - (USAF) (see also, PALS & MOLLE)
AMK: Adventure Medical Kits
ASAP= As Soon As Possible
ASP: Aviation Survival Pak
ABG= Arterial Blood Gas
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AOT - As Opposed To
AED: Automatic External Defibrillator

BLS= Basic Life Support
BOB=Bug Out or Bail Out Bag
BOT= Bag of tricks
BOV= Bug Out Vehicle
BTW - By the Way
BK or BK's = Bloody Kid(s)! i.e. Anyone under 60.
BOHICA- Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

CB - Citizens Band
CHP - California highway patrol
CPR - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
CRKT - Columbia River Knife and Tool
CW - Continuous Wave (synonymous with radio Morse Code)
C.D. or C.D's. - Coffin Dodger(s). i.e. Anyone over 60.

"DW" means "Dear Wife"
"DH" means "Dear Husband" (or sometimes Damn Husband!)
"DD" is "Dear Daughter"
DIY - Do it Yourself

EDC- Every Day Carry
EAS - Emergency Alert System
EMP - Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Epirb- Electronic positioning indicating radio beacon
EBR - Energy bar wrapper (??)
EDC - Everyday carry
ETS - Equipped to survive
E&E- Escape and Evasion
EMS- Emergency Medical Support
EMT- Emergency Medical Technician

FCOL- For Crying Out Loud
FWIW - For What it’s worth.
FM - Frequency Modulation
FRS - Family Radio Service
FSK: Fire Starting Kit
FAK: First Aid Kit
FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair (polite form)

GMDSS- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GMRS - General Mobile Radio Service
GPS - Global Positioning Satellite
GCS- Glasgow Coma Scale / Glasgow Coma Score

Ham - Amateur radio operator (not really an acronym)
HF - High Frequency
HTH - Hope this helps

IIRC - If I recall Correctly
IMHO - In my humble opinion (also; In my honest Opinion)
IME - In My Estimation
IOW - In Other Words
IANAL - I am not a lawyer
INCH = I'm Never Coming Home

KISS- Keep it Simple, Stupid (Keep It Super Simple)
KSS- Kitchen Sink Survivalists

LBTOJ - Little brown truck of joy ( UPS)
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LTS - Long Term Survival
LE - Law Enforcement
LEO - Law Enforcement Officer

MOLLE - Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment (USMC) (also PALS)
MRE - Meals Ready to Eat (Military Rations)
MURS - Multi-Use Radio Service
MMT- Mobile Medical Team
MVA- Motor Vehicle Accident
MSRP- Manufactures Suggested Retail Price

NOAA - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
NBC- Nuclear/ Biological/ Chemical

OTOH - On the Other Hand
ORS- Oral Rehydratation Salts

PSK- Personal Survival Kit
PALS - Pocket Attachment Ladder System (US Army) (also MOLLE)
POV - Privately Owned Vehicle
PSP - Pocket Survival Pak
PHTLS- Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support
PLB- Personal Locator Beacon
PM- Private Message
PPPPP: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
PICNIC: Problem In Chair Not In Computer, also called PEBKAC- Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

RSK - Ritter survival knife
RSKM2 – Ritter Survival Knife w/ M2 High Speed Steel
RTG’S - Radioisotope thermal electric generators

SAMPLE- Symptoms, Allergies, Medication, Patient history, Last meal, Event
SOS- Save Our Souls
SAK: Swiss Army Knife
SAR- Search And Rescue
SEP- Survival Equipment Pack (in a life-raft)
SIP- Shelter In Place
SWAT- Special Weapons And Tactics
SF- Special Forces
SAME - Specific Area Message Encoding (NOAA EAS feature)
SCUBA - Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SAR - Search and rescue
SAS - Special air service
SRLB - Self Righting Life Boat
STS- Short Term Survival
STOP- Stop Think Observe Plan
SIFMS -Sugar I forgot my stuff (polite version)
SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fouled Up (polite form)

TANSTAAFL- There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

UPSK- Urban Personal Survival Kit

WRT - With Respect To….
WTF- What The F**k
WTSFTF- When The S**t Hits The Fan
WYSIWYG- What you see is what you get

YASKT- Yet Another Survival Kit Thread
YMMV- Your Mileage may vary
Posted by: JCWohlschlag

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 02:05 AM

Originally Posted By: jay2
Any dictionary of survival forum acronyms?

Yeah, JIM keeps a running list of all TLAs in his PSK and can whip them out ASAP and has posted them here. laugh We need to sticky these things. Even people who have been around for a while occasionally get a new TLA that makes them say, “What?!?”

Bah! OldBaldGuy beat me to it.
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 02:07 AM

Yeah, but REDDOG beat me!!!
Posted by: JCWohlschlag

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 02:19 AM

Oh, geez… I am gettin’ slow! laugh
Posted by: teacher

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/04/07 03:42 PM

And a new acronym: NGNA -- new guy needs acronym's....:)

Welcome aboard climber/ slacker

Posted by: ironraven

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/05/07 02:48 AM

Welcome climber. We don't flame for a question like this- not even bother to lightly toast. smile

The others have answered the question, but I'll chip in an analogy. BOB is the land-based version of an ejector seat or a life raft. You really hope you never need to use your survival machine, but if you ever need it, you'll be really, really glad you have it.

Posted by: Susan

Re: sorry, probly dumb question. - 09/05/07 02:53 AM

So, how DO we get a sticky for these things?

(ELB or ELT isn't there, I noticed)
