Double Size PSK Tin

Posted by: Schwert

Double Size PSK Tin - 05/09/02 04:01 PM

I have found a tin that is about twice the volume of an Altoids tin, but only slightly thicker. It is a Goddard’s Cabinet Makers Wax tin.<br><br>This tin is a slightly oval rectangular shape. It is 4 ½ x 3 11/16 x 15/16 inch, (110 x 92 x 23 mm), with about a 2mm concave bottom and flat slip-over lid. The volume is approximately 210 ml. This comes with 4.5 ounces of excellent furniture wax. <br><br>An Altoids tin is 3 5/8 x 2 ¼ x 13/15, (91 x 56 x 20 mm) and the volume is approximately 100 ml.<br><br>I consider this to be a large shirt pocket tin. The slightly dished bottom makes this fit my shirt pocket comfortably and the larger size prevents it from sliding around.<br><br>Here is a link that has a picture of the tin:<br><br>I found this wax at Restoration Hardware for $12. They also carry Goddard’s Marble wax in the same size tin. I removed the wax to a shoe polish tin and am working out the contents.<br><br><br>
Posted by: Tjin

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/09/02 10:34 PM

arent tabacco tins withs the most people use 110 x 80 x 30 mm ? atleast i have seen these "tabacco" tins in diffrent kind of shop over here... they claim that they are airtight so that would be a nice feature. but they cost round 4.50 Euro with a snicker placed on top of it.. havent seen non stickered versions.. <br>
Posted by: Schwert

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 12:41 AM

PC2K,<br><br>Tobacco tins seem to be the "standard" PSK tin. Altoids tins definitely run a close second or maybe even first choice for tins, at least on this forum. <br><br>I have found Altoids tins to be a bit too small and am always looking for a better container. I only have one tobacco tin, which has the advantage of a rubber-like seal on the lid, making it, at least in theory, easier to waterproof. I do not think mine is 30 mm deep however. Doug has stated he uses the smaller tobacco tin for his kit, this is probably what I have. I have not set this kit up yet.<br><br>I really like the size of this wax tin, and plan on setting it up to replace my shirt pocket kit which currently is carried in a plastic flyfishing box. I find this fly box at 30mm to be too thick for comfortable shirt pocket carry.<br><br>4.50 Euro seems like a good price for a big tin of tobacco...Washington state has really high taxes (70%) on tobacco.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 02:22 AM

People still don't seem to be willing to try round tins. I have so far been quite happy with my Penaten Baby Cream tin. I have nearly everything in it that most everyone else has, except for a couple of things like a wire saw; however, there is still room in my tin for that once I acquire it. I do have a number of altoids tins which I am playing around with, but I am not confident that I can get everything in an Altoids tin that I have in my round tin. I do have an "urban" survival kit in an Altoids tin, but that contains mostly band-aids, safety pins, $50 (Cdn), duct-tape, tinfoil and other small odds and ends. <br><br>I have read other posts that encourage the use of two altoids tins, one for meds, the other for the rest. I am contemplating this; however, I am reluctant to open and play with my round tin as I am quite happy with it. I am slowly building up a duplicate set of survival gear to eventually build a two-altoid-tin PSK.<br><br>Ironbirdexplorer<br><br>
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 02:40 AM

Ironbird, Getting started is what counts.This isn't a fashion show with Altoid tins a de riguer accessory. Finding and testing different containers is a fun sideline ; much like collecting chess sets. The game is still our motivation ;O)
Posted by: AyersTG

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 02:54 AM

<<People still don't seem to be willing to try round tins>><br><br>Oh, I think they can be just dandy. I've some useful things stowed in 500 count .177 RWS pellet tins, for example. Those are a bit small - which is exactly why I chose them for their particualr uses. One good wrap of tape and they are waterproof enough for anything I'm likely to fall into.<br><br>Haven't tried them yet, but there are some interesting surplus "German butter tins" available that look good for that sort of thing. So many ideas, so little time...<br><br>Having said that - it does seem to me that a round tin could be a little awkward to stick in a shirt pocket, compared to a retangular tin of equal volume. Just depends on how large a tin one chooses, eh? OTOH, some things will fit better in a round tin, so...<br><br>Don't know the answer to your knife question; sorry. I'm so new to neck knives that I haven't even absorbed the idea yet... however, a lot of folks really like Mora-type knives for that and they sure are inexpensive. (Time for Chris et al to chime in...)<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Tom
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 03:03 AM

To Tom and Chris<br><br>Thanks for the replies.<br><br>Ironbird
Posted by: Neanderthal

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 04:18 AM

Tom : IMHO those surplus butter tins suck. I was, however, able to fabricate a lid for a stainless steel cup/pot using the aluminum. _________________________________________________ Proverbs 21:19
Posted by: AyersTG

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 05:24 AM

Louis - Thanks - glad I didn't get around to ordering some yet. Scratch that idea...
Posted by: Anonymous

round v rectangular - 05/10/02 02:14 PM

I carry a number of items wrapped around my rectangular PSK (regular altoids tin) that I am not sure I could either fit in or effectively wrap around a round tin. I have 6'squared HD tin foil folded around the outside that would not fit inside; ~10' paracord that would deffinately not fit within' several ranger-bands for extra water-proofing. The ranger-bands might easily be fit around a round PSK but not so cleanly since they are rectangular by nature. Winding cord on a round tin might be possible but would cause a lump where the cord crossed itself. Folding foil around a round tin would be a work of oragami but could be done. Also all my pockets are rectangular so a rectangular tin fits better and slides around less. <br><br>Of course with all of that wrapped around my tin I almost never open it. My PSK contains items that are mostly un-needed in daily use or are miniature redundancies of other items I carry. <br><br>My sparklite in my PSK is never needed unless I lose my minibic lighter which is in my pocket next to the psk. My wire saw is never needed unless I am actually building an expedient shelter. My mini compass will not be needed unless I am actually lost and stripped of the normal sized compass carried in my belly pack and the one built into my car. The Iodine tablets will only be needed if I have strayed from civilization and forgotten or been seperated from the filter and bottle of potable Aqua that resides in my pack. The PSK does contain a garbage bag to become the container for the items when the psk needs to be cracked so I don't lose any of the items.<br><br>I also do carry an altoids tin of urban necessities such as bandaids, antibiotic, tweezers, cpr shield, laytex gloves, magnifying glass, small blades and straight edge razors, folding scissors, moleskin. The only thing I keep wrapped around this kit is one ranger-band to keep it closed. This kit gets used regularly and I am constantly replacing the contents. I am not sure I actually am happy with the tin for this kit sinces it is not water-proof and the hard tin makes for a little more difficulty in packing and carrying. I may move to a waterproof bag of some sort if I can find one roughly the same size.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 02:21 PM

The butter tins are quite a bit larger than you might think. This doesn't help though since the waterproofing is achieved by a large rubber / plastic insert which takes up a bunch of room. Further they are truely bomb-proof! They are made of very thick aluminum. I can't imagine actually carrying one in a pocket due to the wieght and the size but There may be reasons to use them. I can't imagine one now but If anyone does let me know. I don't need butter on my hiking badly enough to stick one of these in my pack full of butter - that much is certain.
Posted by: Tjin

Re: Double Size PSK Tin - 05/10/02 03:49 PM

actaully its a emty tin...