Spam Can --follow up

Posted by: CANOEDOGS

Spam Can --follow up - 06/19/07 03:49 PM

for those of you sitting on the edge of your chairs waiting
for the results of my never ending quest for real spam cans
to seal a survival kit into---sorry no..thats the word from
Hormel Inc the Spam people..i got a nice one line response
to an Email i sent to that effect..some very good ideas and
links to other cans have come in from forum members but i was
holding out for the real thing..
Posted by: joaquin39

Re: Spam Can --follow up - 06/19/07 08:19 PM

I bought some spam can that came inside a plastic container with a lid. You can make a good container for a survival kit out of them. I bought it last year but I dont see them in the supermarket anymore
Posted by: MDinana

Re: Spam Can --follow up - 06/19/07 11:26 PM

Pooey on them! I'm switching to the generic/store brand. Tastes the same anyway.
Posted by: norad45

Re: Spam Can --follow up - 06/20/07 01:44 PM

Tastes the same anyway.

Blasphemy! grin