Posted by: CANOEDOGS

LOCAL HERO - 03/23/07 05:47 AM

LOCAL HERO.. by that i mean who in the history of your
part of the country is the "do-all" live off the land" guy.
out west it might be the prospector or "desert rat"..what kind
of gear did he carry?..the sourdoughs way up north..what was
in their bag..in the Everglades??.what did the folks who were
driven out of their homes during the depression take with them
when they set up housekeeping in the Keys?? in my part of the
world its the fur trapper..a axe and not a big knife was their
main tool..for a knife they just had a small pocket knife for
skinning..the axe was the tool that carryed them thru the winter
cutting firewood and in building their "tilt" or small cabin.
very small cabin..i would suggest that finding your local hero
and reading up on their lifestyle would be a good start in
planning your survival plot and plan..
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: LOCAL HERO - 03/23/07 02:48 PM

I agree that reading up on a person of that type might be very entertaining, and might or might not provide some good training/planning information. But I hesitate to use the term "hero" to describe one who is living the life they chose. I feel that the term hero is badly overused these days. To call a sports figure a "national hero" drives me nuts. He/she is simply a person who is very good at what they do, and usually highly overpaid. To call firemen and policemen heros for doing the job they were hired and trained to do is the same. Heros are few and far between...
Posted by: oldsoldier

Re: LOCAL HERO - 03/23/07 05:34 PM

OBG, I echo your comments on the heroes thing. That being said, local lore around me is all indian lore. And, you cant really get any closer to living naturally than that. A good one here is King Philip. He & his tribe hid out in the swamps, where the English feared to go, for over 2 years, to protect his tribe. Until he was betrayed, IIRC.
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: LOCAL HERO - 03/24/07 12:34 AM

"Local Ordinary Guy Saves World by Rescuing Cat From Tree"

laugh laugh laugh
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: LOCAL HERO - 03/24/07 12:38 AM

I enjoy reading that kind of stuff also. Started a jillion years ago with Big Red, and Irish Red (fiction, about a trapper, his kid, and their dog), later (much later), Ishi, and I have just finished Crow Killer, Journal of a Trapper, and Journal of a Mountainman (we are moving from our old army fort in WA to mountainman country in Wyoming in a month)...
Posted by: Susan

Re: LOCAL HERO - 03/24/07 04:01 AM

I heard that a hero is a guy who accidentally ran in the wrong direction.

Here in WA, the guy most called a 'hero' would probably be Harry Truman (not the President), a crochety old guy who lived near Mt. St. Helens, and died at 8:32 a.m. May 18, 1980, when he was hit by the blast of the volcano erupting at an estimated speed of 300 mph. What is left of him is currently buried about 150 feet deep, along with his sixteen cats.

He wasn't smart enough to get out of the way of an impending volcanic eruption despite timely warnings. It is said that he thought the predictions were "overexaggerated".

I'm guessing that this guy wouldn't be the best one to base your survival plans on.

Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: LOCAL HERO - 03/24/07 04:23 AM

Since critters are supposed to sense things like earthquakes, and probably volcano eruptions, before us humans do, I hope ole Harry wasn't between those 16 cats and the door when they tried to make their getaway...
Posted by: Susan

Re: LOCAL HERO - 03/25/07 01:44 AM

AT 300 mph, they probably never woke up, unless they were waiting for breakfast. If old Harry was up, he may have had time to turn his head, and was instantly incinerated.

Pity about the cats, though.
