survival programs on uk tv

Posted by: simplesimon

survival programs on uk tv - 03/12/07 02:18 PM

There's a lot of survival programmes on the tv in the UK at the moment.

Channel 4 7.30pm Saturdays: 'bear survival'.

documentary channel 8am Sundays; 'survivorman'.

UK tv documentary; Ray Mears is often on; all day this sunday and on again tomorrow nights.

Posted by: billym

Re: survival programs on uk tv - 03/12/07 04:41 PM

You may already have seen the clips but there are several Ray Mears shows on Youtube.
Posted by: Nicodemus

Re: survival programs on uk tv - 03/12/07 05:19 PM

The news at Les Stroud online states he is working on a new season of Survivorman right now and the first episode, which was shot in Ecuador, is in editing. It also mentions that Les is curently scouting locations in Africa for episodes 2 and 3.

However, it should be noted that this info is out of a date by at least a month judging by Les' blog. It shows that he was already shooting in Africa starting on February 4th. The episode starts off with simulated a "Hot Air Balloon crash".

From Les' Blog , it sounds like another excellent episode is in the works.

I'm psyched!

Regarding Ray Mears, I'd like to see more of his shows as well. I have a few, but not all of them, and the ones that I have are a few years old if not more. I'll check YouTube. Thanks for the heads up on that, billym.

Posted by: simplesimon

Re: survival programs on uk tv - 03/13/07 02:21 PM

It is indeed Bear Grylls and I should have said the prog is called 'Born Survivor: Bear Grylls'.

I'm just telling you what's there not recommending or disparaging any of these progs.

And for the totally paranoid among us: 'Jericho' is on hallmark Fridays at 8pm in the UK :-).