An Example Others Could Learn From

Posted by: Doug_Ritter

An Example Others Could Learn From - 02/25/07 02:44 PM

Too often the lessons we learn come as a result of tragedy or mistakes. Here’s a story where everything was done right and the result stands an example that others could learn from:

There’s no excuse to leave port without a life raft and a 406 MHz distress beacon. Captain Martin serves as the right kind of example, a pleasant change from the usual. Emulate a good example for a change. I won’t hurt and it might save your life.
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: An Example Others Could Learn From - 02/25/07 03:50 PM

Good story.

Just for info, the link above wouldn't take me to anything but a WordPress login page, which I couldn't enter. Had to go back to the ETS homepage, then to the blog from there...
Posted by: hercdoc

Re: An Example Others Could Learn From - 02/25/07 03:58 PM

Thanks,OBG..I was a bit confused but was able to access from the main ETS page.
Posted by: Doug_Ritter

Re: An Example Others Could Learn From - 02/25/07 03:59 PM

Thanks. Fixed the link. Also below:
Posted by: Susan

Re: An Example Others Could Learn From - 02/25/07 07:27 PM

Great story!

Intelligent preparation, proper equipment, proper training, non-panic execution. I don't see how it could have gone better than it did.

A freshing change. No toetags involved.

Posted by: KenK

Re: An Example Others Could Learn From - 02/25/07 07:46 PM

Thanks for the links Doug. Great story.

I've heard many say that PLB's will encourage risk-taking, but those on the Lit Up clearly didn't take chance and truly had their collective act together.

I've mentioned here before the story of how I was part of a group canoing in the boundary waters where only the group leader knew the details of our location and our plan. That was foolish and dangerous. Having a group prepared for whatever comes is good for all.

This story also emphasizes that a PLB is not a replacement for being fully equipped. The "survivor" still needs to be able to survive while awaiting rescue - first aid, shelter, water, fire, reading material, etc...

Ken K.
Posted by: KG2V

Re: An Example Others Could Learn From - 02/25/07 09:23 PM

How could they have done better - inspecting wiring harness so it doesn't burn in the first place

What would have made this one perfect - the go out, equipped, catch some fish, come home, cook, eat fish, go to bed
Posted by: JCWohlschlag

What was in the Ditch-Kit? - 02/25/07 09:24 PM

I think this story is great, but I do find myself confused about one thing…

He came around the gunwale of the boat to find other crew members deploying the life raft and ditch-kit on the smoky deck.

The crew began to enter the lifeboat. Martin ran the drill while Heilman filled a C&H fish bag with water bottles. That was the only thing they left the Lit Up with - other than their skins.

If the only thing they had with them was some water and "their skins", then what the heck was in the ditch-kit that went with the life raft?