Posted by: CANOEDOGS

DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER - 02/25/07 03:13 AM

i have used this shelter or one much like it on wilderness
canoe trips for over 20 will stuff down to about
the size of a football..
the point of this post is to remind everyone that when
you put up any kind of shelter--poncho..plastic sheet..
foil blanket..whatever--to put a bit of bunge cord..inner
tube...heavy rubber band..on the tie lines to take up the
shock when the wind catches the shelter and flaps it around.
the only time i damaged this shelter was when in a hurry i
tied one of the sides off to a tree with a spare lenght of
cord that did not have bit if rubber rope already on it..
the rain that i was rushing to get out of turned into a
storm during the nite and the only line that failed was the
one without a shock cord--it held tight untill it ripped
out a this photo the wind is comming from behind
the shelter..
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER - 02/25/07 04:19 AM

Wow, looks like a spiderweb on the back side, all those guy lines. Interesting shelter, looks a little bit like an old Baker Tent. How much does it weigh?
Posted by: big_al

Re: DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER - 02/25/07 04:58 AM

As OldBaldGuy just sead it looks like a nylon baker tent. What type of tent is it and who makes it.?
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER - 02/25/07 05:13 AM

It's obviously an Eureka tent, but I just went thru their website and didn't find this one. Probably another discontinued product I might be interested in...
Posted by: raydarkhorse

Re: DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER - 02/25/07 03:34 PM

I've been looking for somthing like this for a while. If anyone has an idea about where I can find one or some parachute material please let me know.
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER - 02/25/07 03:42 PM

I don't know if they will sell just the material, but Stephenson's makes their tents out of paracloth, or something very similar, you could ask them...
Posted by: CANOEDOGS

Re: DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER --NEW PHOTO - 02/25/07 04:46 PM

yes that is a Baker tent and Eureka no longer makes them.
it weights about 3 pounds with the lines and stakes..
my fishing buddys who have been up to canoe country with
me called this " Daves Parachute" because of all the lines
running off the was never made to have all those
but i kept adding them to get more headroom over the years.
the photo below is the new one that i layed out and cut up
and my wife sewed up for me...she go's on trips also..
it's been named "The Dance Hall" the first time it went up
the guy who took this photo said it was so big we could dance
around in it...i made it from Silnylon and the lines are
the liteweight gold cord--Kelty Tripease..i bought titanium
stakes and even with it's large size the weight is about
2 1/2 pounds...a good source for silnylon is
they carry seconds for 4-5 bucks a running yard..
these shelters are ready made by Cooke sewing in Minnesota.

notice that the Dance Hall has fewer guy lines on the back.
i made this with a 18 inch back wall which gives it lots
of head room without lines pulling the roof up..
Posted by: oldsoldier

Re: DON'T RIP YOUR SHELTER --NEW PHOTO - 02/25/07 10:31 PM

You made that? outstanding. I need to baby myself more. I'm happy with a tarp over my head, and, if I'm lucky, mosquito nets to keep the buggers off. And 2 1/2 lbs...thats well within my carrying limits. Especially for something that big.