"Roadkill is just easy."

Posted by: jmarkantes

"Roadkill is just easy." - 08/31/06 09:18 PM

Living in Portland (OR) for 18 years, and never understood the "Keep Portland Weird" bumper stickers. What's weird about it?

The Mercury, one of the local "alternative" news rags, actually had an interesting article on Urban Wilderness Survival. And with the Mercury involved, it did seem a little off kilter.

But, never mind, it was still very interesting. I had never heard of this guy before, but he practices urban wilderness skills frequently while going about town. Dumpster diving, eating roadkill, etc etc. Here's the article:
Apocalypse Soon
And the guy's tracking school

There's also a video pod, though I haven't watched it yet.
video pod

There are a few good points in the article overall. Some of does seem a bit hippie-ish, though the Urban Scout guy hates hippies. The greatest part about it, I think, is that he is reaching an audience that would probably not typically think at all about preparedness. And his school seems to reach younger people pretty well too.

One quote:
"People have the false perception that cities are where the resources are. Not true. Resources are imported into cities, and cities only have three to seven days' worth of food. People [will] flock to cities only to find a starving and diseased populace. In order to successfully survive collapse, you must seek shelter in the furthest reaches of wilderness."

Posted by: 311

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 08/31/06 11:28 PM

The only time I'm going to eat roadkill is if I am actually present when the roadkill is killed. Anything else is not fresh enough. <img src="/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: Grits

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 12:01 AM

The only road kill that I would bother with would have to be a deer that I had just seen hit and killed. Anything else just isn't worth it.
Posted by: buckeye

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 01:37 AM

Sadly, my wife decided to do a little out of season deer hunting with our vehicle this past weekend while driving back up I-77 N in WVa.. Big doe lead to big dents. Fortunately everyone unharmed, except the deer of course. As it laid there, the thought did cross my mind, that it would be quite edible -- since I knew how it got there.

Posted by: Lance_952

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 02:13 AM

BBQ coon is good, it's just like BBQ beef
Posted by: ironraven

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 02:44 AM

Lance, you keep making redneck jokes about yourself, I'm starting to wonder. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: JimJr

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 04:49 PM

In several states in the south, mine included, it is legal to pick up your roadkill, you just have to report it to the wildlife officials. I'm not sure it it counts against your (hunting license) tags during the seasons. And you can't keep raptors (or any pieces thereof), that's federal law.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 05:15 PM

And you can't keep raptors (or any pieces thereof), that's federal law.

Bull droppings!!! If I hit a velociraptor with my car, I'M KEEPING IT!

What? Oh. Birds... Never mind.
Posted by: Susan

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 05:54 PM

"Living in Portland (OR) for 18 years, and never understood the "Keep Portland Weird" bumper stickers. What's weird about it?"

When all the hippies were forced out of SF, they headed north and landed in Oregon. Most settled in Eugene, but a lot of them went to Portland (some people aren't really comfy in the "wilderness", you know). The Oregonians were somewhat aghast when these people with New Ideas arrived, but they eventually kind of got used to them.

Portland seems pretty Mainstream to me, but then, I'm from southern California.

BTW, one of the main problems with roadkill is exploded and perforated guts contaminating the meat and, as already mentioned, the fresheness or lack thereof.

Posted by: Matt26

Re: "Roadkill is just easy." - 09/01/06 06:41 PM

Can't argue with that. 10 years ago I went to a wild game supper in the north west part of the state and just gorged on coon, beaver, bear, duck and of course venison! I have been unable to talk my wife into going to one if I could ever find one. Some of the best meat I have ever tasted!