Pepper Spray

Posted by: fireblade

Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 02:42 PM

How would you guys react when some of your guy/girl friends tease you about carrying pepper spray?. I have had some of my guy friends say to me "Hey, the pepper spray is for girls only. You shouldn't be carrying that. Fight like a man". I would like to know your comment. thanks.
Posted by: KI6IW

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 03:07 PM

I carry pepper spray when on duty (as a force option), and sometimes off duty (especially when going somewhere with crowds). I would wonder when was the last time one of your friends had to "fight like a man"? My experience has taught me that pepper spray can be a good equalizer when the other person is bigger, stronger, younger, faster, crazy, and/or armed with a simple weapon (like a beer bottle, etc.). Usually just the appearance of the can takes the fight right out of them. Hand-to-hand combat is not usually my first choice. There is too much potential for both parties to become injured.
Posted by: massacre

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 03:43 PM

My guess is that the "friends" telling you this have rarely if ever been in a real fight, and if they were it was mild or they were on the winning side. I have a hard time with this sort of peer pressure. Hide the can if you don't feel comfortable getting ribbed a little.

This is all about appearance and bravado, and who cares if it makes you feel safe? The guys who say this sort of thing are often the ones who need it most... mouthing off at a bar, flipping the bird in traffic, trying to show off and act tough.

A lot of the LEOs I know carry pepper spray, do you think they are girly? I'm fairly skilled in martial arts, but I would carry the stuff if it meant avoiding a fight. In this day and age, it's not uncommon for a fist fight to turn into a deadly brawl involving knives, guns, broken bottles etc. I could defend myself fairly well, but what if it's a few guys who are trying to jump me? That can of spray could even the odds. Same thing if I'm trying to protect my family... staying and fighting is almost always the wrong choice. If a fight is imminent, that could buy you some time, saving your life, a broken face, a ruptured eye socket, knife in the ribs, and any number of other things.

Tell your "friend" to mind his/her own business, or just find better friends.
Posted by: JIM

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 04:46 PM

First: Isn't this a post for 'around the campfire'?

Second: What is the opinion from you guys about tasers?
Posted by: teacher

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 05:29 PM

REI has the grizzly size on sale this week. In case you have really big pockets..

Posted by: Jackpine_Savage

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 06:25 PM

While Tasers are a good tool they are just that a tool. I have seen them fail, on the same suspect (person) that pepper spray failed on. My partners (I saw the in car video as I was off duty) had to resort to good old fashioned brute force to remove the suspect from his car (DWI), once out he was secured and taken to jail. The subject was searing a Carhart coat and insulated coveralls. He was hit with two different cartridges and shocked through four (2 with each cargridge) series of the Taser's shocks without any effect. The Taser had been fully charged at the start of the officer's shift. four probes had to be removed from the suspect's clothing. This was before Taser redesigned their probes lengthening them.

Other problems with a Taser is it is only effective on one person at a time, unlike a firearm, or pepper spray. Second is the cost. For the price you could buy a very good handgun, ammo, pepper spray, and holsters for them. Third Tasers shoot two probes that both have to stick into the target (person) or it will have no effect.

Also in some areas it is illegal to carry either a Taser or a pistol legally, or they require the same permit.

On the plus side, the Taser is non-lethal, and can be used, and dropped to allow escape while it cycles through it's shock.

The choice is yours, but on duty I carry OC (pepper spray), a pistol, and a flashlight (impact weapon). My department is not issued or allowed Tasers. The unit involved was a neighboring department that arrived to backup my partner.

Good luck and Stay Safe
Posted by: JIM

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 07:04 PM

A plus side of the taser is that it can't hurt the one that is using it (unless the user is really.....), unlike pepperspray, wich can be blown back (by wind) into the users face.

For example, in the UK where the police don't carry firearms, a taser would be a good alternative (together with OC and baton).
Because it's not-lethal (in most cases) and looks like a gun, wich disencourages the criminal to use force against the police.

I (16) don't carry any weapons. But I believe that in The Netherlands (where I live) tasers are illegal. I don't know if pepperspray is illegal.
Posted by: Matt26

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 07:31 PM

I can tell you from experience that getting sprayed with oc is not a pleasant experience. I was a summer cop years ago and we were sprayed directly in the face for training purposes. I was on my hands and knees for at least 45 min. with my face in a bucket of soap and water to wash it off. It's like bobbing for french fries still in the fryer! <img src="/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />I personally try hard not to get into fights in the first place. Survival is about getting rescued or to self rescue. I would consider that using oc to delay someone who wants to cause me bodily harm would be a valid survival tactic. I have no experience with Tasers.
Posted by: Tjin

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/03/06 07:33 PM

teargas and pepperspray are both illegal in holland.
Posted by: Craig_phx

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 02:09 AM


Here is a man that could also use the "Hillbilly" option: maybe a Glock 23. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I carry a SureFire C2 & Punch II (always), a Kel-Tec .380 (almost always), and a Glock 27 with a +1 magazine (very frequently). God bless America for the CCW! <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Tell those "sissy boy" friends of yours they don't know what the hell they are talking about! I'm sure if you were together and attacked you would see them in an entirely different light. A man with a weapon has courage an unarmed man has no recourse but to beg for his life.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 03:56 AM

I agree with Craig.... CCW, Glock 23... Avoid problems.
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 04:22 AM

Tell them to hold that thought. Bring the discussion back up when you replace your can. Let them try the old stuff. I've gotten pepper spray on my legs, and that was interensting enough for me. In the eyes, even with glasses, I'd be on the floor. And I have a pretty high pain tolerance.
Posted by: KR20

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 04:35 AM

One of the items that I carry with me is a ASP Key Defender .

Posted by: JIM

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 09:44 AM

''Tell those "sissy boy" friends of yours they don't know what the hell they are talking about! I'm sure if you were together and attacked you would see them in an entirely different light. A man with a weapon has courage an unarmed man has no recourse but to beg for his life. ''

Uh.... I believe it was fireblades post. <img src="/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: ghostbear

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 10:04 AM

When I know I'm about to get heckled about my carrying a pepper spray, I try and beat them to the punchline. I tell them, "I carry it to protect my virtue."

If they tell me pepper spray is for girls, I tell them the keychain size is for girls. My magnum size canister is for men.
Posted by: massacre

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 03:30 PM

How about... "It's really not smart to make fun of a guy holding a can of pepper spray"
Posted by: bmisf

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 06:14 PM

Tell those "sissy boy" friends of yours they don't know what the hell they are talking about! I'm sure if you were together and attacked you would see them in an entirely different light. A man with a weapon has courage an unarmed man has no recourse but to beg for his life.

A gun's just a tool. Courage and tools are completely separate things.

Carrying a gun doesn't give you courage; in fact, some might argue it shows a lack thereof.

Not arguing for carrying or not - just pointing out a logical fallacy.
Posted by: Leigh_Ratcliffe

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 06:18 PM

Right, lets settle this nonsense:
1) Outside of a boxing ring there is no such animal as a "fair fight". If some [censored] demands you fight "fair"- Don't. "Fair" mean a fight in which he/they have an overwelming advantage of some description.
2) There is an old addage that goes: "Twice blest is he who's cause is just but trice blest is he who gets in first" If it goes pear shaped, use it.
3) Any material advantage you can gain over an adversary, use.
4) Point out nicely to your mate that pepperspray is somwhat nicer than the alternatives. After all, most martial art blows, when delivered in ernest are intended to cripple or kill.
You first priority is to survive. Everything else is a secondary consideration. So ignore them.
Posted by: massacre

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 07:34 PM

I like #4 Leigh, and I agree wholeheartedly. "I'm actually being kind to my assailants by NOT fighting with my fists. The can of spray is as much for the safety of those who attack me as for my own defense"
Posted by: wildcard163

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/04/06 08:07 PM

Hear, hear... couldn't have said it better m'self.

Posted by: DET0790

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/05/06 10:19 PM

Pepper spray is not just for girls. Its an important component of a "use of force" continuum. Proper use of pepper spray does require some training just like any other tool. Keep in mind the legality of using it. Also keep in mind if you spray your self accidentally ,you could be incapacitated. Also, (from personal expirience), sometimes it works great, and sometimes not at all.
Posted by: bubbajoe

Re: Pepper Spray - 05/05/06 11:22 PM

I carry key defender too.. nice peice of gear IMHO.
I will use anything to my advantage . sticks, stones, bottles, nails, teeth, knives, guns , and yes girly pepper spray. DEAL WITH IT