Looking for survival stories to post on my site

Posted by: Anonymous

Looking for survival stories to post on my site - 05/01/06 06:56 PM

Hi there,
I just started a website http://www.emergencykitplus.com and I am looking for survival stories that I could post on the site; to learn from and share experiences with. If anyone has a story to tell I would be happy to share your words of experience with others. http://www.emergencykitsplus.com/survival-story.html

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Looking for survival stories to post on my site - 05/01/06 07:56 PM

You have two mispellings that may cause you future problems. First is the URL link you sent in your first posting here, and second is the banner of your website (next to the globe, "emergency" is spelled wrong).

I look forward to following your site. Good luck gathering stories.