Surviving the gauntlet

Posted by: benjammin

Surviving the gauntlet - 08/24/05 03:58 PM

Well, tomorrow is the big day. I start my trek back to home for two weeks R&R. Of course, that means heading down the "road of treachery" at the worst possible time. I sat here and watched those numbskulls at the assembly screw with the constitution for two weeks, thinking my timing was just right to avoid "the day". Now I am going to have to be on the bad road right when the bad guys are going to do their worst to try and scare people.

Life is not so sweet looking out the portal of an armored car, waiting for the big boom, or the clanking of rounds bouncing off the armor. What survival tool do I have for this situation? Prayer, constant open line prayer for a solid half hour, gate to gate.

If any of you are in the mood, you might send some good vibes this direction tomorrow. I ain't anymore special than the next lug over here, but I reckon I gotta ask anyways.

Take care folks. See you on the other side. <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: TeacherRO

Re: Surviving the gauntlet - 08/24/05 04:40 PM


Our thoughts are with you...keep your head down

Posted by: paramedicpete

Re: Surviving the gauntlet - 08/24/05 05:25 PM

I am sure you have most, if not all of the members on this forum praying or wishing you the best.

Stay safe and God speed.

Posted by: JohnN

Re: Surviving the gauntlet - 08/25/05 05:32 AM

Best wishes.

Posted by: ProGunOne

Re: Surviving the gauntlet - 08/25/05 05:46 AM

"I am sure you have most, if not all of the members on this forum praying or wishing you the best. Stay safe and God speed."


I have a son on the ground in Afghanistan. I wish you guys the best and pray for you all every day. Paul.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: First leg accomplished - 08/26/05 06:20 AM

Made in off of Route Irish yesterday afternoon. Had to turn around and go back twice (third time's a charm, right?) VBIEDs went off in front of us, and we got stalled in traffic. When the South African Security guarding me gets nervous, I get nervous, so we didn't sit in traffic too long (tends to draw RPG fire when that happens). Went back to the IZ and took a break (get rid of all that water I drank. Anxiety really short cycles the kidneys).

Finally, after the pulled the burning hulks out of the road, we made it in. Nothing like waking up to the sound of machine gun fire at the perimeter to really get the day going. Tomorrow it will be the tight spiral up out of the airport to 15,000 feet, then off to home. I will be quite happy to be out of Iraqi airspace.

So anyways, I will let you know when I make it home.

See ya <img src="/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: First leg accomplished - 08/26/05 06:56 PM

Best wishes for everyone in both theaters!

You mentioned:
>>>"Went back to the IZ and took a break (get rid of all that water I drank. Anxiety really short cycles the kidneys)."<<<

This reminded me of a really funny part from a great book called "Kayaking the Amazon" by Joe Kane. He writes about scouting the class 6 rapids (many medium sized waterfalls) in the Acobamba Abyss (bad as it sounds!) by means of mostly rock climbing sideways far enough down the next rapid to determine if they would _definitely_ die by running it or just _probably_ die if they missed a critical turn or two.

After returning from each scout, he says something like "unleashing an act of urination that seemed to have nothing to do with my liquid intake over the past 24 hours."

Obviously, the huge difference is they _could_ have gone painstakingly back upstream, your exposure and that of your fellow troops is _not_ optional.
Posted by: benjammin

Home again, Home again, jiggety-jig - 08/31/05 01:16 PM

30 hours later, and a new computer purchased, I am home and able to talk to the world once again.

Watched a couple peopel lose their breakfast on that tight spiral up out of Baghdad. Negative G's apparently don't agree with everyone. Amman was nice, but didn't stay long enough to do anything but eat and sleep. Amsterdam was cold, and got hung up on the runway trying to leave because some nav equipment locked up. Had to reboot the whole darned airplane (complete powerdown). Business class sure is a lot more tolerable than econo, especially at my size and with that length of flight (Amsterdam to Seattle, ugh).

Got home, only to find the old computer crashed out, so had to go to the store and get another. Having a bugger of a time trying to get files moved. At least now I have some room to work with, though.

Anyways, going to enjoy my time here. Heading off to the range today to shoot up a bunch of ammo. Already attacked the wife a few times, so that's outta my system (well, maybe just back under control would be a better term).

Ah, the joys of buttermilk. I walked in the front door, and after the dog finished his obligatory greeting by trying to hose me down, the first thing I grabbed was a quart of some of the finest buttermilk I've ever known. 5 seconds later, the carton is empty, my belly was full, and I am ready for the shower.

Now, just waiting for that Swamp Rat knife I ordered to get here (thanks Chris, I am still in dutch with the wife).
Posted by: norad45

Re: Home again, Home again, jiggety-jig - 08/31/05 01:41 PM

Welcome back to the States! Just in time for hunting season too! <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Regards, Vince
Posted by: X-ray Dave

Re: Home again, Home again, jiggety-jig - 08/31/05 04:30 PM

Welcome back, glad your'e safe.

Posted by: ProGunOne

Re: Home again, Home again, jiggety-jig - 09/01/05 04:52 AM

Glad to hear you've made it safe. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Home again, Home again, jiggety-jig - 09/03/05 01:58 AM

Glad to hear you're home, safe & sound, thanks again...