Waterproof Document Case

Posted by: readyone

Waterproof Document Case - 07/09/05 10:46 PM

While watching our local news today there was a segment with Suzie Orman concerning her experience with having to evacuate in a hurry. There was a very short discussion about a blue small watertight (it floats) container that evidently she had designed. The container appeared to be about the same size as a small briefcase and had sections for important documents (files), keys and important CD's. It had a light on the front but I did not catch what that was about. It did look interesting from the Bug Out scenario to have all important items in one place to grab and go.

Can anyone guide me to this product so I may research it further.


Posted by: 7k7k99

Re: Waterproof Document Case - 07/09/05 11:12 PM

she has her own website where she sells tons of stuff

Posted by: readyone

Re: Waterproof Document Case - 07/09/05 11:31 PM

Her website was one of the first places I checked, along with a Google search. Nowhere to be found unless I am missing it or calling it by another name??
Posted by: 7k7k99

Re: Waterproof Document Case - 07/10/05 05:12 AM

after thinking about it for a while, I remembered that QVC had that as a special value of the day, several months ago or could be even longer -- I did a search on QVC and they don't show it in stock -- best I can suggest is check QVC's schedule and see when Suze Orman will be on next or call them, maybe they will have it again, or you might find one on ebay
Posted by: SheepDog

Re: Waterproof Document Case - 07/10/05 09:44 AM

I am not familiar with the bag you are talking about but from what you are describing I would look for something by Ortlieb. They make many waterproof bags for many different applications. I have seen their motorcycle pannier bags and they look bulletproof. The other company that makes tough waterproof cases is Pelican Products their medium sized cases can be set up like a briefcase and will float 30 lbs of contents.
Posted by: Craig_phx

Re: Waterproof Document Case - 07/13/05 03:03 AM

Many documents will fit in one gallon Ziploc bags.