Candles, glue sticks and summer stowage

Posted by: MGF

Candles, glue sticks and summer stowage - 07/05/05 08:43 AM

OK, was wondering about some gear and how well it stores.

Question 1: I see some folks (and some commecial kits) include candles in their gear. I stow my truck bag in a Contico truck box in the bed, which has a topper. I wonder, considering that 95-degree temps are not uncommon in the summer where I live, might not the temp in the rear of the truck get hot enough to make candles a gooey mess?

Question 2: I wonder about the little stick of glue that comes in the GearAid kits. Think it can be safely stowed in the vehicle in the summer?
Posted by: norad45

Re: Candles, glue sticks and summer stowage - 07/05/05 01:27 PM

I store my candles in a similar way. Temps get +100 around here and I've never had them melt yet. It might depend on the composition of the candles though. I don't keep any glue sticks but I'll bet if your candles hold up then glue sticks should be ok.

Regards, Vince
Posted by: TeacherRO

Re: Candles, glue sticks and summer stowage - 07/05/05 02:45 PM

Put em in a ziplock, just in case

Posted by: SheepDog

Re: Candles, glue sticks and summer stowage - 07/05/05 03:51 PM

They sell candles that are aimed at the survival and other markets that melt at high temperatures. I carry mine in a Ziploc bag but have never had them melt. One of them is not straight any more as it bent while stored in the kit when it was very hot. The candles that are in cans might be another option as I think they are high temp wax in their make up also if stored upright there would not be any problem any way.
Posted by: Susan

Re: Candles, glue sticks and summer stowage - 07/05/05 04:38 PM

There are high-melt, low-melt and those little glue sticks that can be used with either temp glue gun. I wouldn't worry about the thicker (.5" dia.) sticks, but the low-melt (oval) & the mini-sticks might melt.

Sticking one in a plastic bag & setting it in the sun or hot car might tell you.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: car temps - 07/05/05 04:53 PM

FYI, cars can reach up to about 30°F or 17°C above ambient.