All ready to go?

Posted by: lazermonkey

All ready to go? - 06/30/05 08:02 PM

I was in southern California yesterday when I-5 (basically the major artery of California) was closed north bound. My girlfriend and I just barely got off the interstate before we were stuck. We had are alternative routes planed, filled up the gas tank, bought 4 gallons of water, got $200 out of the ATM, and changed out of are flip-flops into real shoes. After all that we went back to the Theme Park and drove home late that night.
I was just wondering if I acted appropriately. Did I over reacted or under reacted? Any criticism is welcome.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: All ready to go? - 06/30/05 09:25 PM

I think you were dead on, Lazer. See my reply to Benjammin. No point making yourself crazy, which will put you in a worse situation should there be a real emergency; instead, you went and relaxed and had fun, after making sure you were ready in case the situation still existed when you were ready to move out again.

Posted by: johnbaker

Re: All ready to go? - 07/01/05 11:42 AM


You didn't overreact. That is pretty close to our standard mode for travel in the PR of S. Kali. If you made any mistake, it was starting out with lesser standards.

Good luck,

Posted by: Craig

Re: All ready to go? - 07/01/05 03:27 PM

Aside from wearing flip-flops in the first place -- grin -- you were right on target.

-- Craig
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: All ready to go? - 07/01/05 04:27 PM

Gaulieter Swarzenegger just slashed funds to upgrade the 405. I guess when you drive a panzer, er Hummer it doesn't matter <img src="/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> The fun part of getting off our freeways is discovering all the fascinating nieghborhoods Huel Howser doesn't cover in CALIFORNIA GOLD. " Golllll-eee, would you look at that! You folks identify your selves with these blue and red bandannas and baseball caps ( for non Californians, imagine a ex marine tar heel who drives around spotlighting old gold rush bawdy houses and subterannean gardens in Fresno.) Seriously, getting stuck on a freeway is no fun. I am going to suggest a very personal, but vital bit of hygiene- a small portable urinal devise sold in the camping catalogs for women. Have a spaceblanket handy for privacy <img src="/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> BTDT <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: All ready to go? - 07/02/05 05:20 AM

Does anybody remeber The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams? The catch phraqse there was 'never go anywhere without a towel.' I unwittingly became an adherent to that philoshpy: I have carried my old brown car towel for years and years. (But I really have 6 that I rotate). My ex-wife used to tease me about my car towel - usually while she was using it. The last time I was in her car, I saw, you guessed it - a brown car towel.