Oil Storm

Posted by: BigAssDiesel

Oil Storm - 06/05/05 01:37 AM

Sunday night at 8:00pm "Oil Storm" is a movie on the FX network, it is rerun at 10:00pm. From the FX website:

Oil Storm will look at a series of natural and man-made disasters which interrupt the flow of oil to the United States, creating a huge set of crises and dramatically changing our way of life. Oil Storm changes the form of the traditional disaster movie, as it will be designed to be an accurate, thought-provoking and serious portrayal of what would potentially happen in the event of if oil production to America was halted.

I have been looking forward to this movie for quite some time. I hope my wife opens her eyes after watching this. She started to after seeing the movie "Smallpox"
Posted by: NY RAT

Re: Oil Storm - 06/06/05 04:30 AM

you know i recently got rid of cable because there was nothing on, and now i miss this...

Posted by: brian

Re: Oil Storm - 06/06/05 01:46 PM

I watched it. Not a bad flick for cable TV on a Sunday night. Thought provoking at the very least and that's more than I can say for a lot of what's on the tube. If you saw the one they did not too long ago about a smallpox outbreak, this was done in the exact same style. Basically a documentary format cept all fictitious of course.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Oil Storm - 06/06/05 09:07 PM

Not bad work, but they nerfed it. It had to have the happy ending, with Prince Valdimir riding up on a white charger at the list minute, but watchable.

I also think they might under estimate mankind's ability and willingness to destroy itself, but they did say martial law had been declared.

My only real grumble was the farmers- no oil means no farms. There aren't enough trained horses and oxen to try to till a tiny fraction of our cropland, much less plows for them to pull or trained handlers to guide them.

Still, it should have got people thinking. For our friends in Lousiana, how close to that pipeline (the loop?) run to that highway? It looks like a couple of charges to put several breaks in the pipline and a couple more to break the bridges is all that would be needed to knock it out and keep it out for a while.