Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each

Posted by: survivalperson

Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/25/04 05:49 PM
Your going to want either B or C, I get 20 in the B and 30 in the C. These are identical to what Doug uses.
Posted by: sotto

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 02:39 AM

Alright, for the survival impaired, what does PA stand for?
Posted by: JohnN

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 03:19 AM

I think he is talking about, "Potable Aqua ".

Posted by: Wellspring

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 03:24 AM

Have you gotten any yourself yet? This looks great-- I was wondering where to find these.
Posted by: NealO

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 04:50 AM

It is to be appreciated that Doug (now?) recommends Katadyn Micropur MP-1 tablets for chemical purification. Among other advantages, these tablets come individually packaged, rendering moot the traditional "repackaging Portable Aqua" dilemma.
Posted by: brian

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 12:55 PM

Myself, I can't have anything with Iodine in it. Iodine won't kill me but it could do a lot of damage to my thyroid due to a previous thyroid condition. So I have been using the Katadyn Micropur MP-1 anyway and they are great. There is the very slighted taste of chlorine in the water but that is it. I'm talking about a very slight taste. I have actually tasted tap water in some areas with more of a chlorine taste to it. The fact that they are very well packaged is a big plus too. I keep 2 in my wallet, 6 in my PSK and 12 in my car kit. I always take them when I go camping/hiking and I have used them to purify some very questionable water and have not gotten sick yet (knocking on wood). I use them in conjunction with a chemical-free activated charcoal bottle filter and in 30 min all the nasties are dead. The filter takes care of the bacteria-based nasties instantly, which leaves the MP-1's with only the job of having to kill viruses, which they do quite quickly and efficiently.

Okay sorry for going a little off-topic there. About these vials... I have been looking for some for storing a few days worth of prescription meds in. These things are so cheap that I think I'll buy a couple of each and see how they work out. I'll keep you guys (and girls) posted.
Posted by: brian

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 01:59 PM

Just ordered 5 of the 1/2oz glass and 5 of the 1oz glass as well as 5 of each size in plastic also. I'll let ya know when I get them.
Posted by: norad45

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 02:00 PM

Thanks for the tip. I bought 20 of the smaller size. I think they will also be useful for OTC medications.

Regards, Vince
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 04:45 PM

Guys, (and gals), make sure they have the teflon lined lids on the caps before you repackage and store these. That darn iodine will wreak havok on any metallic objects you have stored with it.

BTW- I'm a recent MP1 convert myself too!
Posted by: norad45

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/26/04 05:52 PM

I've always just sealed the lids with teflon tape. If these come with teflon lids that will sure make it a whole lot easier!

Regards, Vince
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 08/27/04 04:22 PM

Another source for vials, containers and all sorts of other stuff is here:

American Science Surplus

Posted by: goon

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/10/04 05:34 AM

Will the iodine react with plastic as well? I have been looking for small vials for exactly this purpose.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/10/04 03:16 PM

With most plastics, yes. But iodine leaves Teflon alone.
Posted by: Scotsman

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/10/04 07:53 PM

The site in the original post doesn't say specifically that the cap is teflon lined. Has anyone received theirs yet so we can verify this. If so, is anyone interested in splitting an order. They're dirt cheap, but I don't think I could ever use 10 of them.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/11/04 04:41 AM

I am a long time user of Iodine on bush trips (could explain a lot haha).

The way I figure it there are distinct advantages and disadvantages of both iodine and micropur.


Quick acting 15 mins
effective and proven
Fit more in smaller space than micropur once properly repackaged
Can be used to disinfect wounds in concentration

Reactive to everything virtuallly
Poor shelf life
Short term useage only
Plays havoc with thyroid in some
aftertaste (solved with drink crystals or vit C tabs not always practical)
repackaging (thanks for the vial link <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />)


individually packaged (more bulky tab for tab though Hint* crush the tab inside the package for a flatter profile in the altoids tin <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Cut off as much extra packaging as possible.
Long term useage
Chlorine less harmfull internally
longer shelf life
less reactive
better taste
no thyroid issues

4 hr wait time (sometimes you need to drink now!)
bulkier packageing less space for tabs in altoids kit.
Not as proven as iodine IMHO
Reactive to UV light, renders it inactive
more expensive if thats an issue
not dual useage for wounds like iodine (stings like a mother)

This leaves me to wondering if one can mix the 2 tabs in a vial so you can have the best of both worlds? I doubt it as iodine would ruin the chlorine tabs more than likely.
I wish someone would come up with individually packaged iodine tabs a la micro pur so you can mix and match them for quick drinking and longer purification taste preference.

I will continue to use both depending on situation. For EDC however the drink now option is high on my list so repackaged iodine for the EDC tin is my preference today.

Don't forget to rotate the iodine every year as they spoil <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />.

Question for the gang?

Has anyone thought of repackaging the aqua mira drops liquid for Altoids EDC. There is 2 different chemicals for mixing. I think the amount of drops might make it too bulky but not sure?


Posted by: brian

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/13/04 04:35 PM

I avoid iodine for health reasons so I use the mp1 tabs with a non-chemical 20oz water bottle filter when space permits carrying the bottle. That takes the wait time from 4 hrs to 15min (though I give it 30min to be safe). When space does not permit (like with my normal EDC) I have to wait the 4 hours. However in a situation where dehydration within 4 hours is even a remote possibility, this is a non-issue because I would simply use the MP1 tabs and be drinking in 15-30 minutes. If you read Dougs extensive write-up on this you'll find that this is not such a bad plan. I'll take the slim chance of diarrhea over dehydration and certain death any day if given only those two options. <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: goon

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/13/04 07:36 PM

I just emailed these guys about these vials. Here is the response I got:

The lids we use have a mylar liner. Teflon may be available but you would need to order several hundred vials for us to get them.

For those of you who have been using these, have you noticed any reaction with the iodine? Can teflon paint be obtained to make these more suitable? Thanks.
Posted by: norad45

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/13/04 09:15 PM

I just received mine so I have not had a chance to see any reaction. I am going to assume that they will corrode unless sealed. I sealed up the lid with a couple of wraps of teflon tape-that white stuff they use to seal water pipe. It is available in any hardware section of K-Mart, Walmart, etc.
I am not sure about teflon paint. We use another liquid threadsealer called "Liquid Teflon". It is a loctite product # 56747. You might be able to smear it on the inside of the cap in the same way you could daub paint, but I'd be worried that it might be toxic.
Give the teflon tape a try. I have one vial that had been sealed up with it for about a year with no visible corrosion. It's cheap too-about .89 for a 25 foot roll.
Regards, Vince
Posted by: brian

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/13/04 09:25 PM

I have been using the vials (glass and plastic) with great succes with just about everything under the sun except iodine. Iodine is nasty stuff. It's a very outdated method of water purification that was designed at a time when medical/chemical science was nowhere near where it is today. We know a lot now about the negative long term effects of iodine on the thyroid gland as well as other things these days. If you read Doug's write-up you'll find that he does not even recommend it anymore. My doctor tells me to stay clear of ingesting anything with iodine in it and he gave me a whole list of reasons why. It's really nothing short of a slow poison. Just a little FYI to try to keep you safe and healthy. The MP1 tabs are not much different than the way urban treatment facilities treat water (if I am remembering correctly). Please also be aware that anyone (such as a wife or daughter since its more common in women) with any type of thyroid problems should absolutely stay away from iodine tabs without actually showing them to their doctor! They could very well kill them and I don't mean the slow way either! I'm not saying that MP1 tabs are great for you but they are far better than Iodine. And of course there is always the oldest method..... boiling.
Posted by: Steve

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/16/04 04:41 AM

I confirmed with Exploration Products ( " target="_blank"> </a> ) that the Teflon-liner glass vials are still available that Doug mentions at " target="_blank"> </a>. They are not listed in their online catalog, but just write what you want on the fax order form and they'll add it to the total.

Posted by: bmisf

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/18/04 11:08 PM


individually packaged (more bulky tab for tab though Hint* crush the tab inside the package for a flatter profile in the altoids tin Cut off as much extra packaging as possible.
Long term useage
Chlorine less harmfull internally
longer shelf life
less reactive
better taste
no thyroid issues

4 hr wait time (sometimes you need to drink now!)
bulkier packageing less space for tabs in altoids kit.
Not as proven as iodine IMHO
Reactive to UV light, renders it inactive
more expensive if thats an issue
not dual useage for wounds like iodine (stings like a mother)

Since this thread got brought up again via another thread, I thought I'd address a couple of mistakes here:

First, the dwell time for the Micropur tablets for killing the same things that iodine can kill is 15 minutes. In other words, exactly the same time as the iodine.

Second, the chlorine dioxide tablets can kill crypto, which iodine can't reliably do.

To kill crypto, you should wait anywhere from 30 minutes (for clear, tepid water) to 4 hours (for turgid, cold water). Perhaps that's where Flipper got the 4 hour wait time - it's *only* for killing crypto in cold, dirty water.

I think chlorine dioxide tablets are a lot better than iodine in every way except price.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/18/04 11:26 PM

Fare enough on the corrections I forgot the cripto comparrison.

I read the instructions for micorpur a while ago and threw them out of course. <img src="/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />.

Where is this information for 30 min wait time to kill all bacteria = to iodine? I can't remember reading it to be honest. Sounds reasonable though.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/18/04 11:49 PM

Just got this from Katadyn's web site:

Micropur MP1, which is regesterd with the EPA, is an easy-to-use water purification tablet that is effective against harmful bacteria, viruses and cysts. It is the only tablet currently registered with the EPA that effectively controls cryptosporidium, a waterborne cyst. MP1 has been extensively tested using EPA testing protocols. The test data is summarized below:
Microorganisms Killed Contact Time
EPA Water #1(clear, 20° C) EPA Water #2(dirty, 4° C)
Bacteria 15 minutes 15 minutes
Virus 15 minutes 15 minutes
Cysts 30 minutes 4 hours
Note: Product instructions have a 4 hour contact time. Fulfilling the role of protecting consumers, the EPA requires that packaging claims for Micropur MP1 communicate how the product performs in the most challanging water conditions (water that is very cold and dirty). While MP1 is effective against bacteria and viruses in 15 minutes, it requires 4 hours for cryptosporidium in cold, dirty water. Therefore, labeling requirements include a 4 hour wait time for maximum consumer protection (see chart above).

Looks like I may retire the iodine for good!

They tasted like crap anyway.


Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/19/04 12:54 AM

Placed an order with thelifestylestore and just revieved it. I ordered several of each size glass and plastic. I have not put my PA in them yet, but Ill use teflon tape to seal the glass vials. Nice product with fast shipping. I would recommend them.

Posted by: bmisf

Re: Source for PA repackaging vials. 34 cents each - 09/19/04 05:59 AM

Just got this from Katadyn's web site:

EPA Water #1(clear, 20° C) EPA Water #2(dirty, 4° C)
Bacteria 15 minutes 15 minutes
Virus 15 minutes 15 minutes
Cysts 30 minutes 4 hours

Looks like I may retire the iodine for good!

They tasted like crap anyway.


Cool - I was going to post the URL to that, so glad you tracked it down.

I've been using them for a year now and really like them.