special forces survival kit

Posted by: Anonymous

special forces survival kit - 10/14/01 05:46 PM

Does anyone know what the US special forces use in their survival kit in the field, and also what is the current issue for the British SAS.
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/14/01 07:39 PM

SAS units use pretty much standard issue gear, according to a British friend. The standard issue survival knive is the MOD 4, simple, rugged. You can buy one from Smokey Mountain Knifeworks @ $60. Special units actually avoid exotic gear. They often do not want to appear as anything but regular units.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/15/01 08:10 AM

I'd agree that most UK Special Forces either use existing standard issue gear or make up their own depending on climate - reading Bravo Two Zero makes you realise that they're not always as well prepared as they should be!<br><br>Bob Cooper has a version of kit for Australian SF and I've heard it is apparently now being used in the UK. <br>
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/15/01 05:49 PM

The SAS issue survival kit is the common Penrith! Information courtesy of Gilly Selleck's groundsman.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/15/01 07:18 PM

Thanks for the information. I think that the military needs to read the forum. There are execelent coments and better kits.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/18/01 09:56 PM

Thanks Chris,<br><br>Does your friend know exactly what the Special Forces carry in the field as far as the survival kits go?<br><br>Ted
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/18/01 10:00 PM

Thanks jtbishop,<br><br>Do you know what the standard issue gear is and just what they would put in them. I took your advise and I also will be reading Bavo two zero soon. <br><br>Ted
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/19/01 12:43 AM

Current SAS issue is the commercialy available Penrith kit. There are two knives issued for "survival', the Mod 4 and an aircrew emergency knife. You may see both @ www.shopping-emporium.co.uk ( key on survival knives). I have a Mod 4. It is a brute! It is mainly for smashing out of downed aircraft and as a small machete/bowie. There are two versions;Military has wood handles,commercial a composite material. They are very uncomfortable. Special Units often discard any identifying national gear and rely on native or hostile materials and equipment.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: special forces survival kit - 10/19/01 02:40 PM

Chris,<br><br>Thanks for responding. I guess that makes alot of sense about not using identifying gear. That is a fascinating subject though, that means they have to improvise by acquiring or making their own equipment in the feild. They just can not rely on their equipment, they have rely on their knowledge and expericence. <br><br>Thanks,<br>Ted