mini radios for PSK

Posted by: doracozz

mini radios for PSK - 08/05/03 11:26 AM

I'm looking for a mini radio to put in my PSK and I have seen a few posts about the Sinclair radio. I do have a question for anyone who also uses this radio. Is there a way to adjust the volume on the AM model? Can it be done manually?
Posted by: hthomp

Re: mini radios for PSK - 08/06/03 03:36 PM

I ran across a small (about the size of a 9v battery...little thinner) radio with attached headphones that has an on/off switch (which I have taped in off position) and one button which is a "seek" button. The unit is FM only, and has decent sound and reception. It runs on a lithium button-type battery and I have never used it for very long to test out how long it would last. Its a small unit that may come in handy, if I needed to hear announcements in an emergency...provided the local stations are stil on the air. I picked the unit up at a truck stop, of all places. Was going in to pick up a drink, and noticed it there. Being the gear junkie that I am, I had to have it, just to see if it works. Seems like it ran around $6.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: mini radios for PSK - 08/09/03 01:52 PM

I've got a couple of similar units in kits- FM only, a little larger than a Zippo, or maybe small pager size. Sound is surprisingly decent.

I've been meaning to order the Sinclair radios, but haven't done it yet.

If things start going bad in an urban environment, there are few things more important than information.