BOSS Survival Courses Offered at a Discount!

Posted by: Anonymous

BOSS Survival Courses Offered at a Discount! - 05/17/03 12:05 AM

BOSS, the Boulder Outdoor Survival School, is offering significant discounts on courses on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all the remaining spots on their courses are filled, that's it.

If you're interested in reading more about the skills BOSS teaches and the courses they offer in Southern Utah's desert and mountains (and elsewhere), please visit

To register, call (800) 335-7404 or send e-mail to during normal business hours.

BOSS is the country's oldest and largest wilderness survival school, celebrating its 35th Anniversary this year. They focus on primitive skills, teaching the survival arts of traditional cultures in remote parts of the backcountry.

(If you have questions specifically for me, I'm happy to help any way I can. Thanks, Doug, for suggesting we post this here. - JB)