SOG Power Pliers

Posted by: Anonymous

SOG Power Pliers - 05/03/03 01:33 PM

I've noticed that in all the discussions of multi-tools no one has mentioned the SOG Power Pliers. I'm curious why that is since I've used both the Leatherman and Gerber multi-tools and found the SOG to be a lot more versatile.

Any comments?
Posted by: Tjin

Re: SOG Power Pliers - 05/03/03 02:20 PM

well i only bought mine only "real" multitool quite resently. i looked at what the brands and models had to offer and at what price. In mine case the victorinox came out as best, i also saw a used one for sale at that time so i bought it. The SOG Powerplier came pretty close with the price issue ( one of the cheapest in the stores ) but you have to open the pliers to acces the tools, the grip does not look comfortable, i think there is not lock meganisme ( i might be wrong, though ) and the knife blade is particaly serrated, i don't like that...