Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag

Posted by: TeacherRO

Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/18/16 07:13 PM

These events are good reminders to pack your go bag and keep it up to date.
What unusual items are included in yours?
Posted by: LesSnyder

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/18/16 09:05 PM

don't know if it is that unusual.. but my go bag is a permanent resident of my Explorer, so weight is not that important... a modified Swiss Ranger stove that can be fueled with Sterno, Trangia, or twigs, ... for a do-over, I didn't realize that there were smaller diameter Sterno cans that could be lowered with a wire..for my semi tropical location, nylon/vinyl poncho and mosquito netting

Posted by: hikermor

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/18/16 10:22 PM

My CERT bag is stored outside my residence along with some other optional ancillary items that might prove useful (like more food and water). I keep those items outside because I am also concerned about earthquakes. At least floods are not an issue in my neighborhood....
Posted by: Mark_R

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/18/16 10:38 PM

My old Camping Gaz stove. I can't find refills anymore, so it's essentially a one week disposable stove
Posted by: Russ

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/18/16 10:49 PM

Is that a butane canister stove? Does it take the standard butane canister or something else? If it that canister, check an Asian market. I bought a case at a local Korean market and I've seen that canister at a local Sushi restaurant. Restaurant supply stores may also keep them in stock.
Posted by: Mark_R

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/18/16 10:57 PM

It's a butane/propane mix, but can run straight butane. The thing being it uses a threadless snap on connection that was only other used, briefly, by Coleman. Nothing in current production.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/18/16 11:01 PM

I have a stove similar to the Iwatani Gas Cassette Burner Stove which I've used at the house during blackouts (unlike Dagny my stove was not powered during the last power outage). This would be an excellent stove for car camping.
Posted by: Mark_R

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/19/16 12:09 AM

12K BTU/h is a nice improvement over the 10K I'm getting out of the CZ canisters. Since I'm car based, I was thinking about the Coleman propane stoves because of the fuel availability, but these might be worth a look.

EDIT: Going with propane for commonality of fuel. I already have a propane backyard grill, and have one of the portable Webers earmarked for family outings when the kids get older. I know I'll take a weight penalty, but I'm not backpacking so it's less of an issue.
Posted by: wildman800

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/19/16 01:14 AM

I was happy to see that DD2 & her hubby are still maintaining their preps. They didn't use the equipment because circumstances made them go across town, not leave town.

2 towns, Lake Arthur & Gueydan, have been completely evacuated, as of now.

I am going to have an interesting time going back to work in Houston, as I-10 and many other highways have been closed due to flooding. I'll check routes Saturday through the La State Police to determine which highways are open since I'll be leaving Sunday.
Posted by: TeacherRO

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/19/16 10:19 PM

Yes - best to keep your bag near a boor, in the truck or in an out building...more likely to be accessible.
Posted by: TeacherRO

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/19/16 10:21 PM

Originally Posted By: wildman800

I am going to have an interesting time going back to work in Houston, as I-10 and many other highways have been closed due to flooding. I'll check routes Saturday through the La State Police to determine which highways are open since I'll be leaving Sunday.

You can also use apps like WAZE to see what open and where the backups are
Posted by: bacpacjac

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/19/16 11:00 PM

Originally Posted By: LesSnyder
don't know if it is that unusual.. but my go bag is a permanent resident of my Explorer, so weight is not that important... a modified Swiss Ranger stove that can be fueled with Sterno, Trangia, or twigs, ... for a do-over, I didn't realize that there were smaller diameter Sterno cans that could be lowered with a wire..for my semi tropical location, nylon/vinyl poncho and mosquito netting

I wanted one of those Swiss stoves so badly a few years ago! The local surplus store brought some in and I debated and debated. I've never regreted not buying it, but sometimes, like today when I read this post, I wish I had. LOL!
Posted by: wildman800

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/21/16 01:50 AM

I-10 was completely opened yesterday morning. I'll drive through to Houston tomorrow. The scenery should be interesting.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/21/16 02:22 AM

My GHB and a 96 hour kit are maintained in my truck. In a bug-out situation, I'll fill the back of the truck, close and lock the FG lid and then wait to see how the fire progresses. The front of the truck is for me and stuff I need day-day.

I've done this drill for real more than a couple times and never needed to bug out. It's a good drill though so I'll do it again. Lots of fuel out there with a couple months left in fire season.
Posted by: Mark_R

Re: Ca fires and La floods - pack your Go Bag - 08/22/16 10:48 PM

Originally Posted By: bacpacjac
Originally Posted By: LesSnyder
don't know if it is that unusual.. but my go bag is a permanent resident of my Explorer, so weight is not that important... a modified Swiss Ranger stove that can be fueled with Sterno, Trangia, or twigs, ... for a do-over, I didn't realize that there were smaller diameter Sterno cans that could be lowered with a wire..for my semi tropical location, nylon/vinyl poncho and mosquito netting

I wanted one of those Swiss stoves so badly a few years ago! The local surplus store brought some in and I debated and debated. I've never regreted not buying it, but sometimes, like today when I read this post, I wish I had. LOL!

You can always make a hobo stove and modify it to take a burner. A hobo stove is a 1 quart tin can with the top removed and openings either drilled or punched with a churchkey around the top and bottom of the sides. You feed in twigs and whatnot and it burns impressively hot. Cut an opening at the side bottom big enough for a 45 minute Sterno can or an alcohol burner and Bob's your uncle.