National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive

Posted by: Doug_Ritter

National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 01:43 PM

Posted by: Glock-A-Roo

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 02:53 PM

Originally Posted By: linked story
The Oregonian reported that Salant got lost Saturday when she and Essig dropped their gear near Bear Lake and went looking for a camping spot. After her fall...

Another case for on-person carry of some bare minimum essentials.
Posted by: Russ

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 03:31 PM

What was it I read about eating uncooked snails??? -- as I recall the couple died -- snails can carry parasites. Over a few days, food is not so critical that eating slugs and caterpillars is a requirement for survival.
Posted by: unimogbert

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 04:17 PM

=Glock-A-RooAnother case for on-person carry of some bare minimum essentials.

Indeed. Certainly a whistle could have helped a lot.

Personally I just hate to get out of sight of my pack because it has ALL my options in it.
Posted by: Dagny

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 06:13 PM

Great to hear that she's going to survive. Certainly instructive on not being separated from your gear. Tank top and shorts in that forest and not able to walk - brrrrrrrrr!

I've stepped on some of those banana slugs. Really hard to imagine eating one - yuck. With that in mind from now on I may duct tape Luna Bars to my body before hikes, along with matches and firesteel.

...her condition greatly improved overnight.

Upgraded from serious to fair condition, Pamela Salant suffers from multiple injuries, said Brian Willoughby, spokesman for Legacy Emanuel Medical Center. He said her left tibia, the second largest bone in the body, is fractured. Fixing that leg will probably require surgery this week, Willoughby said. Salant also has multiple back injuries and abrasions that won’t require surgery.

She’s sedated and is willing to speak publicly but not until next wee
Posted by: Hikin_Jim

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 06:34 PM

She did some smart things like getting out in the open when she heard helicopters and using moss to stay warm.

Caching *all* your gear while you go tromping off on a side trip isn't always such a great idea. I usually stick a small very light pack inside my main bag if I'm going to do side trips.

Posted by: Russ

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 06:35 PM

Dagny, you need to make a small kit for that white four-legged BFF that follows you everywhere. Luna bar, small fire kit, dog food -- PLB...
Posted by: Dagny

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 07:58 PM

Good advice, Russ. She's a great blanket, too.

Thanks to ETS I literally don't go anywhere without a number of items on my person. My house key for dog walking is on a lanyard with a Fox whistle and e-Pico light. My car key chain includes a firesteel, scraper and e-Pico light. My rucksack for routine longer walks in my neighborhood and on the National Mall holds more survival gear than probably the vast majority of day hikers in the woods. My wallet contains a tiny firesteel, scraper and Ritter MK5.

Because this forum has made me paranoid... er, prepared.

I'm from the area (Hood River/Mt. Hood National Forest) where the woman went missing and have hiked a great deal around there. Don't think I'd have ever walked more than a few dozen yards from all my gear/wallet, etc.

As with most survival stories, especially at the outset, we have only a partial sketch of the facts in this situation involving this Oregon woman. Some early news reports included references to an argument the woman and her boyfriend had which preceded her walking (stomping?) off by herself.

KGW reported that Essig told Salant's employer he had a conversation with Salant that "disgruntled" her and the two decided to walk in opposite directions for a little time to cool off.

In any event, good that she's alive and perhaps others will learn from her mishap.

Posted by: Glock-A-Roo

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 08:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Dagny
...KGW reported that Essig told Salant's employer he had a conversation with Salant that "disgruntled" her and the two decided to walk in opposite directions for a little time to cool off.

Well she certainly achieved that goal, though luckily not to the point of reaching ambient temperature...!
Posted by: Susan

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 09:29 PM

It's odd how people keep making the same mistakes over and over, like they never read the news about people making the SAME MISTAKES over and over:

* Stay together.
* Don't look for campsites on the edges of cliffs and canyons.
* If you can't see where your feet are going, don't go there.
* Know or research the area you're hiking in. The pioneers found the Columbia River was one of the most difficult to access water from the south (OR) side because of the sheer drops for miles.
* Don't wander around without some gear on your person.
* Wear, or at least carry, appropriate clothing. AND some granola bars (etc) so you won't be tempted to eat possibly toxic plants and bugs.

Shorts and a tank top... did she trip over her flip flops and fall off the cliff? Another article indicated she had left her cellphone with her other gear.

Posted by: hikermor

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 11:40 PM

Only a very naive hiker puts down a pack and walks away from it. Stay with your gear!
Posted by: bacpacjac

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 11:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Dagny

Because this forum has made me paranoid... er, prepared.

LOL! It can feel like paranoia sometimes. And then you hear a story like this. A few key items on her person could have made a big difference. A few key decisions made differently surely would have made a huge difference. Hindsight may be 20/20 but forethought can save the day.
Posted by: Teslinhiker

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/03/11 11:56 PM

Originally Posted By: hikermor
Only a very naive hiker puts down a pack and walks away from it. Stay with your gear!

I think it would be better to phrase it as "Only a very unprepared hiker puts down a pack and walks away from it."

Setting a pack down while out hiking to explore around is very common. However it is incumbent on the person(s) to ensure that they always have basic survival gear in their possession at all times and that they are also dressed for the expected terrain and environment.

Posted by: Susan

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/04/11 06:23 PM

In other words, don't put all your survival gear in your main pack. Lose it, and you've lost it all.

A broken leg and no gear. *shakes head*

Posted by: MichaelJ07

Re: National Interest Missing Oregon Hiker Found Alive - 08/04/11 07:01 PM

If I ever become lost, please remind me that I read this thread!!!

Love this forum!