Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas

Posted by: bacpacjac

Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas - 01/06/11 11:45 AM

Just came across this: http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/26381784/detail.html

There aren't a lot of details, so it leaves me wondering if they left a plan with someone, had a cel phone, if they tried any ground signals other than the signal fire they gave up on, etc....
Posted by: hikermor

Re: Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas - 01/06/11 02:26 PM

Unlike the scenes in the movies, helicopters are not likely to see you if you are not doing something to catch their attention. Note that ground signaling finally did work for them. Nothing is better than a signal mirror if the sun is out.

I have spent a fair amount of time in the Gila. It would be interesting to know where they were. Snowstorms in January are hardly unusual.
Posted by: MoBOB

Re: Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas - 01/06/11 10:31 PM

This sounds like a case for having pieces of inner tube with you. They do not take up any room to speak of. Light those babies up when you hear the sound of the helicopter. Nothing attracts attention like thick, black smoke.
Posted by: hikermor

Re: Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas - 01/06/11 11:57 PM

The only problem might be reaction time. The helo might be long gone by the time you have kindled the inner tube and generated enough smoke to signal. Something quicker might be a smoke flare. I have carried some about the size of a 35mm can, very easy to have on hand. Smoke is superb for indicating the local wind direction at the LZ, if that is a consideration.

What really works best of all in the daytime is a signal mirror; quick to use and unmistakable.
Posted by: Ann

Re: Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas - 01/07/11 02:04 AM

I'm not sure how heavily wooded Gila National Forrest is, but if it's anything like western WA then it seems it might be tricky to find a spot open enough to use a mirror effectively, especially if movement is hindered by potholing 2 feet of snow and considering an ill member of your party.

This story makes a good case for carrying some anti-nausea meds, especially if solo hiking. If Robert had been alone and "unable to move" as his son was due to the vomiting then the story probably wouldn't have ended as happily, seeing as it took him climbing up on a ridge and signaling from there to finally attract attention.
Posted by: Susan

Re: Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas - 01/08/11 05:25 AM

It isn't like here in western WA, the climate is more desert-like, and the major trees are stunted pines and mesquite. The elevation is fairly high, five or six thousand feet, I think. It would be far easier to see a signal flash or smoke there than it would be here, despite the rough terrain.

Here's more info: UPDATED: Gila hikers recount blizzard survival

It sounds like they did a good job, considering two feet of snow and -15F temps. Someone getting sick really does change the equation.

Posted by: hikermor

Re: Father and Son Hiker Rescued in Texas - 01/08/11 01:25 PM

au contraire! The lowest elevation in the Gila Wilderness is something like 4,800 feet. Much of the Gila is heavily forested, Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir, with elevations ranging up to nearly 11,000 feet. The lower areas support extensive pinyon pine (fairly scrubby) and juniper. Based on my personal experience in the area, especially in the high country,you could use a signal mirror to good effect.

As usual, the news accounts are too general and vague. Without better information, it is hard to come to an informed judgment.