Courses recommended

Posted by: scafool

Courses recommended - 04/11/10 08:32 PM

Besides basic first aid that I believe everybody should have are there any other courses you would recommend to the general public?

For example, I think a basic fire response course would be a good one. Nothing to fancy just the basics, simple, effective, cheap.

So what else would any of you guys suggest?
Posted by: chaosmagnet

Re: Courses recommended - 04/11/10 09:30 PM

CPR, if that isn't included in basic first aid.

Defensive driving for anybody who has a driver's license. The bulk of drivers I see would be well-served to obtain additional training.

Why It's Not Okay To Have Loud Cellphone Conversations Where You Will Annoy Others.

Swimming. Everyone should swim well enough that they won't automatically drown if they fall in the lake or river.

Firearms. I don't insist that everybody be Todd Jarret, but I do think that everyone should know safe gun handling skills and be able to shoot in a way that will at least frighten a paper target.

Posted by: KG2V

Re: Courses recommended - 04/11/10 09:35 PM

I'd go to

I'd recommend IS-7 IS-22 IS-55 IS-394a

If you intend to volunteer, take the appropriate IS-100 and IS-200

All free, and online
Posted by: chaosmagnet

Re: Courses recommended - 04/11/10 10:56 PM

Originally Posted By: KG2V

That's purely awesome, thank you!
Posted by: Outdoor_Quest

Re: Courses recommended - 04/13/10 10:10 PM

Great question.

I'd suggest taking a "Wilderness First Aid" class. It goes beyond the basic class.

"Wilderness First Aid" is a 16 hour class and costs about $150. NOL's teaches it as do many Community Collegs in their Community Learning/Education classes.

I understand there may be a name change with the program.

Posted by: epirider

Re: Courses recommended - 04/20/10 05:28 AM

I would recommend a basic shooting class be it a hunters safety or an Appleseed shoot (no affiliation), basic first aid or even a first responders course. Another is hit Lowes and Home depot for some of the basic home repair (again no affiliation. I thing one more that I would take is map reading or at the very least a GPS course. Just a thought.
Posted by: chaosmagnet

Re: Courses recommended - 04/25/10 12:38 AM

Originally Posted By: epirider
I would recommend a basic shooting class be it a hunters safety or an Appleseed shoot (no affiliation), basic first aid or even a first responders course. Another is hit Lowes and Home depot for some of the basic home repair (again no affiliation. I thing one more that I would take is map reading or at the very least a GPS course. Just a thought.

Let me second the recommendation for Appleseed. I've been to two, and it's excellent.

Posted by: Marc

Re: Courses recommended - 05/04/10 01:13 AM

Just to emphasize. I took an advance driving class about a year ago. It was amazing and made me into a much better driver. I can point to at least a half dozen near accidents that would have not been so near without the class.

Granted, it was very expensive, however I firmly believe that it has saved me nearly that much in deductibles, not to mention medical bills and life disruption.

To those who doubt the value, consider how much time you spend in a car, how dangerous it is, and how much formal training you have. It just doesn't equate (for most of us grin ) .