911 note

Posted by: Polak187

911 note - 09/11/02 10:59 AM

Yesterday I had to edit 911 pages for our company. Our new internal homepages honor the victims and people that died. I had to finish editing their pics and than I realized that I knew all of them. I knew them from the small talk by the coffee machine, I knew them by discussions we had about football teams, I knew them because of their personalities. But I never even knew their last name. Their disappearance was explained by company’s multiple locations. Until yesterday, when I worked on short stories about them and when I was putting up their pictures I realized how much I would like to say to them. I look at the picture of Steve and remembered how much he busted my chops about ignorance of NY Mets. I caught a glance of Nolbert who always joined me at the breakfast line. It was hard to get up and show up at work this morning. Hopefully today will be just another day. Hopefully at 5 I will just go home, walk my dog and meet some of my friends. Hopefully 9/11/2001 will never be repeated but only remembered. Please pray for the victims and pay them a proper respect. God Bless America.<br><br>Matt Jachyra<br>Morgan Stanley<br>NYC NY
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: 911 note - 09/11/02 01:15 PM

Matt,This day is tough enough on the other side of the nation. I can't imagine being in NYC. The film clips I never wanted to see again are on T.V. I feel like some grade school teacher is choreographing a Christmas pageant nationwide. Nobody wants to be onstage. We are all on stage. Hang in there. Chris
Posted by: AyersTG

Re: 911 note - 09/11/02 10:14 PM

Matt,<br><br>Hang in there. I'll keep you and the other survivors in my prayers, as well as the kin of those who perished.<br><br>Tom
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: 911 note - 09/12/02 01:51 AM

I had a hard time peeling myself from the Tellie' today, watching all the memorials. It was difficult but I wanted to remember. During the minutes of silence I stood up, with no one in the room to watch me but the baby! <br><br>Being Canadian, I watched a number of Canadian Memorial services and a CBC documentary on the Canadian Victims. It happened to all of us. <br><br>Remember that Canadians won't forget either, and that we're with you in this as well!<br><br>Iron
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: 911 note - 09/12/02 06:04 AM

Can i just say a pupil asked why we the british had to have silence? And my teacher summed it up perfectly - it affected the world! We have a whole lesson in total silence for 1 hour as we the all felt that 1 minute didn't do it justice-but no amount of time will ever!!! Just remember the world is thinking about you!<br><br>Mark