water rations

Posted by: Anonymous

water rations - 08/11/02 11:59 PM

Experts, including Doug, warn against rationing water in a survival siituation, even if it is extremely scarce. I think that Doug's phrase is "Ration Sweat, Not Water." However, in most every successful survival story I can remember reading (most recently Steven Callahan's) water was carefully rationed seemingly to good effect. If there was an explanation for this in the literature I have missed it. Any help for me? <br><br>Dan
Posted by: Chris Kavanaugh

Re: water rations - 08/12/02 12:38 AM

I think there is a misconception between using water to advantage and rationing. Recieving a tiny sip of water and immediately blooming like a flower is good cinema, But hardly realistic.Then again,how many people are found dead of dehydration with water in their canteens, obviously rationed? The level of physical activity and shelter can also effect loss. I was taught the best canteen was my own stomach. A dehydrated person rapidly loses coordination and mental clarity. I'd rather "fill up" and then secure water supplies ( if possible) while my faculties enabled me to do so. The online news services just yesterday posted an authoritie's refutation of the 8 glasses a day regimen with some interesting information. I'm still drinking my 8, it's 100+ here ;O)
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: water rations - 08/12/02 04:54 AM

As activity level and heat rise, rationing is less and less effective; many marathon runners have found this out hte hard way. A lot of hiking in S. Arizona in warm weather convinced me that rationing didn't work - at least when you had to move during the heat of the day, as we did on more than one search effort.<br><br>I just finished a bike tour where I was pedaling in 100 degree heat for 65 - 100 + miles a day. I found it imperative to start early when temperatures were lower, sit out the midday heat and then ride into the dusk. I vividly experienced the correlation between riding efficiency, adequate hydration, and relatively cool temperatures.
Posted by: M_a_x

Re: water rations - 08/17/02 09:27 AM

Daniel,<br>"rationing" the water usually means deliberately dehydrating yourself. That means your capabilities will deteriorate prematurely.<br>"seemingly" is the keyword. Literature doesn´t explain it as there no rational reason.